Yas Forums forms a party and set off on a grand adventure in a fantasy game world

>Yas Forums forms a party and set off on a grand adventure in a fantasy game world

What skills/benefits do you bring to the group, user?

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I am very good at stealing and going unnoticed, i am also 174cm so my height allows me to go unnoticed easily.

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I can cook pretty well, able to make nice meals with basic ingredients.

Also I'm a black belt in Tae Kwon Do, pretty good with firearms as well.

Never tried using melee weapons though.

I'm an aspiring gunsmith and machinist. I'll work to bring the greatest of equalizers to the members of the party too fat and lazy to learn to fight with sword or bow.

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I'm a straight white male.

Witty and nihilistic

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Amphetamines and pre-clinical medicine

I would be quite useless

Intel gathering,

Translation: Useless

gtfo of my team. when will you manlets ever learn?

I'm really good at yanking my weiner

>ability to tell the party everything they enjoy is objectively shit and all their opinions are wrong
Basket weaving bard.

I'm a very big guy, with very, very, heavy hands and quite fast for a guy of my size and weight. Hitting fast and heavy.
Rip and tear until is done.

I call being the ideas guy

the powers of extreme seduction

I am 5'7" and get easily depressed, I can't do anything good. I can be a living boxing bag to help you up them skills and shit.

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I have a giant fuck off mech

You'll be the one that everyone enjoys watching as you die horribly.

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I'd be the decoy.

I'm a decent salesperson so I have high charisma and luck. You can use me for negotiations and diplomacy.

I'll be cannon fodder.

I am good at teaching dogs to bark at things and eat things that are not dog food like leaves and carrot cake

I'm the ideas guy

Fuck this faggot

I'm a thief as well and killer of beasts and monster but I do not harm humans. I have to dire foxes that protect me in cases where a human attacks me and they kill them on their own free will. These 2 dire foxes can also morph into 2 black qt ebony girlfriends. Also I despise magic and magic users are faggots and I would endless steal from even own party member mages.

Take me along instead

May I join you on your travels?

I have 4 years of experience with machining and about 14 years experience deer hunting. Also I don't sleep and my pineal gland is decalcified so I can sense enemy chakras. Perfect for lookout.

I can talk a lot of shit. You need someone to start a fight with the local merchant so you can murder him and take his stuff without repercussion? I'm your man.

I got my wacky cat with me

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literally a blacksmith

I'm a trained music teacher and a fairly experienced HEMA practitioner. Thanks to this skillset I can use and teach the usage of a variety of melee weapons including one- and two-handed swords, polearms, shields and hafted weapons (axes, maces, etc)
And I can play some sick bass lines

skyrim belongs to the nords, nigger

is that outward?

what skills do you bring

I'm lifting for 7 years,good physical strength,did marterial arts for 5 years

I know how to use a bow,

Have endurance,did bike trips over 5 days only with a tent.

Im a mechanic,
I can sharpen blades and can do basic repair.

Access to the console, with the full list of commands.

I can sit cross legged, and soothe a senile dog with panic attack two dozen different ways.

I have a gun

So with 32 posters in the thread, we have a few machinists and a blacksmith to make weapons modern and medieval, at least one dude that can be an instructor, a couple manlets, and a bunch of other niggers that can (presumably) hold a sword or gun.

I think we have the makings of an autistic mercenary company here.

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I could train d-dog

That cat looks like it fucks

What would we name our mercenary company, anons?

Why's there not more MP games for this feel? What's the best current MP game (coop or server based, no MMOs), for big adventuring, raiding dungeons etc with other players in a relatively dynamic open world with stuff happening?

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huge faggots