Were Vikings really this weak?
Were Vikings really this weak?
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>small nord dick vs BIG MED COCK
They lost so yes apparently
Do you see any long lasting viking contribution to the world?
At the end of the day a fucking frog wiped the board of both saxons and scandinavians
I'd like to see the lad on the left compete with the cunt who stood on stamford bridge
If the woman was in the trailer she would've overpowered him
it's true
Is the show Viking any good?
Or should I stick to Vinland Saga?
No but there were plenty of Strong Saxons as well, on average vikings were taller but the real beasts came from Britain. They abundantly wealthy generally had tall and strong offspring.
only for a season or two
They're stronger than knights but weaker than pirates
Vikings is good but dont go past season 2. The Last Kingdom is better but still pretty meh but you can probably manage to watch all of it without wanting to pull your hair out
It is good for the first Season and you'll dislike it after 2 second but keep watching it until you regret not skipping it entirely by the fourth season.
Watch The Last Kingdom instead.
I really liked it! The first seasons are the best. Then it gets stupid, starts with pandering, turns the beautiful and likeable female character into a man hating lesbian, kills everyone we liked (And not in a GoT "nobody is safe" but in a "we don't know what to do with this character tee hee"), they go into some weird drugs and foot fetish plot.
I'd say watch until season 3. If you can stand the rest, sure!
The first one is top notch.
I dont know where the
>vikings were good fighters
fame came from, really
Sure, the average pirate will beat a town bumpking militia whose peak action was seeing 2 pigs fuck. And the shield walls were an effective tactic (duh).
But after the saxons learned how to fight their shit, they got stopped in their tracks, and when mass cavalry got into play they just got washed out
This. Thursday comes from "Thorsday" literally day of Thor
Most vikings were bitches that pillaged the defenseless and got smacked the fuck up in actual battle
>Virgin nordcuck vs CHAD MEDS
Where can I get dubs for vineland saga?
all vikings ever did in their entire existence was steal from peasants and run away into their gay bent dick boats
Its fucking kino bro
A viking literally can't do anything to a knight in full platemail.
The english language took a word from them, it's not like they invented the gregorian calendar
Watch The Last Kingdom instead. Season 4 just go released.
bro look at my totally scripted conversation made to look two sided
The Vikings exclusively targeted abby's and back water villages.
When they actually tried to organize a real take over of England they were laughably decimated.
Then the Norman's came
>Were Vikings really this weak?
is a video game real? lol.
It's not that they were weak, it's just that the Anglo BVLL was too strong.
That's an Anglo-Saxon
given they were essentially just people in rags running around eating whatever came up and having to raid settlements and villages to feed themselves, yeah they probably were kinda weak when faced with a well-trained and well-fed force
Like Paris?
Before taking over almost all of Britain?