ITT: Games no woman has ever played
ITT: Games no woman has ever played
deus ex
My gf said it's her new favorite game.
checkmate faggot
99% ofl video games.
o fuck I loved underhell, I remember when it first came out. Has the story been concluded? I havent checked up on it in so long.
>Has the story been concluded? I havent checked up on it in so long.
No. Hell it's not even been continued. Chapter 2 was never made. The lead guy for it is a dev on Insurgency now.
Dark souls and CIV. The entire series for both.
No woman has ever touched SM Alpha Centauri for sure
how would we know?
Devil may cry series
Yakuza series
I played it and I'm a woman.
I played it on PS4
Thots playing souls games on twitch/youtube has been a market for a couple of years now.
wow that took long to find
Girls play dmc, they're just horrible at it. I saw a vid of a girl review dmc5 and she admitted she was bad at being stylish. She still liked it for the hot guys.
You beat it? If not, post tits..
I did. Can't wait for pt2 or the sequel.
good luck finding a twatch streamer for this one
OP's dick.
I wish a girl gamer existed that didn't play games for just attention.
Good luck finding ANYONE for it
CIV is probably one of the most played series outside of "competitive" MP Games that girls I know play on PC
So im guessing you stream or have a dick? Maybe both lol.
Then they wouldn't be streamers and then you wouldn't know about them in their rooms playing video games. Holy shit retard.
doubt one really exists
they do, but you wouldn't notice them because they don't draw attention to themselves
Bullshit. The lockpicking is high tier difficult that only the manliest man dude autist could consistently do.
No woman has ever played Hearts of Iron 3.
Gonna fuck up your whole world here: the first person I ever saw playing alpha centauri was a 40-year old mom[/spoiler[
I guess i hit a nerve?
total war series
I’ve seen some yewtewb e-whores struggle through Bloodborne. I could only watch 30 secs of it because a) e-whore, and b) it’s rage inducing to see someone play so incompetently
Girls play this because it comes up when you Google search "greatest games ever"
retards being dumb does annoy me yes. Especially when they double down as if to say "gotcha". Fucking tard.
Please God, let me meet her. All I want to do is to found that perfect girl that I know exists. She's sweet and shy and my age and likes all the things I do,perhaps is even on this site itself. Who won't secretly think I'm a loser, the girl a can cuddle with( even if only possible online) and spent nights talking to and laughing and sharing happiness. Someone who can reciprocate the love I put in, the who i can make feel safe and secure unconditionally and fill this gaping, empty void in my heart. Please just let me find this person, I'll change everything about if thats what it takes, please I just can't take the loneliness anymore...
Any paradox autism simulator is insta win
Arma series.
>yakuza series
you have no idea
Command & conquer and Supreme commander series, the ultimate casual thot repellent.
With A+ comebacks like yours, it makes me think your a woman. Amirite?
>girls don't play these games, seen no evidence to the contrary, fucking thots
>ok there is, but that's only because they are fucking thots!
jesus Yas Forums
My mom played C&C before all of Yas Forums was alive
smells like a cope to me boss
Eve online
I know several women who have played the game, one of them is studying medieval history and archeology
>communism level
>works music starts playing
>Games no woman has ever played
Your mom is not a casual thot
Next you'll tell me girls never played RE before.
Dude im gay. But it would be nice to not have such a negative outlook on a certain group of people. Bitches just makes it too easy to hate on em.
Yeah only bitches point shit like this out.
Total war
>omg those two guys are best friends?! They must love each other romantically! Kyaaaa~!
Anything that isnt popular