Play Bloodborne

play Bloodborne

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A sequel would ruin the game. I hope there never comes one.


That's what spiritual sequels are for.

pc fags will literally never get to experience beauty like in the screenshot
bloodborne had absolutely kino world deisgn and looked like a painting
dark souls just looks like uninspired lord of the rings shit, especially in the third one where all the armor and characters are just flanderized and lacked the soul bloodborne had

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Gee OP, I don't want to grind for another Uncanny Burial Blade early again. I already did it 5 times and I am pretty burnt on the game.

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this image is more wrong the more you look at it and i hate it

Huh, isn't this Irithyll? Is it some mod?

>frasco de estus

>sub 30fps

what do you mean

>pc fags will literally never get to experience beauty like in the screenshot
It's a Dark Souls 3 screenshot you retard.

Attached: darksouls3-irithyll[1].jpg (1600x900, 274.17K)

Dumb fucking snoyjak, all you did was prove OP it right.


chromatic aberration sure makes a difference here

which do you prefer?

I am tempted to go back and play them all; what is the correct order?

>Demon Souls
>Dark Souls
>Dark Souls 2
>Lords of the Fallen
>Dark Souls 3
>The Surge
>The Surge 2
>Revenant: From the Ashes
>Nioh 2

Am I missing anything?

the one with CA. looks plain without it

good, fags who dont like it are tasteless subhumans

>tasteless subhumans
i wouldn't go that far lol. you see it in most other games these days where they don't quite fit

Honestly this, to an extent. I don't think a sequel to BB would ruin it, but as someone who loves BB to the point where it's my game of the generation along with my favorite fromsoft title (which is a hard-fought battle), I don't have any desire to play a second one. I'd rather they make something new.

Which is exactly what they did with Sekiro (which I also loved) and are continuing to do, so really I'm a happy camper.

we talking about bloodborne friend

>Lords of the Fallen
Just don't bother. It's like playing DS1 with 100% equip load and all attack animations being 5 sec long. Also crazy camera shaking when rolling and you can't turn that shit off.

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>you see it in most other games these days where they don't quite fit


kino soundtrack though.

yeah and normally i wouldn't touch CA for DS3 at all, but somehow they enhance those awful textures like in the images posted



Holy fuck you absolute retard

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care to explain?