>Trials of Mana
>Xenoblade Chronicles:DE this month
Is this one of the best times in over a decade to be a JRPG fan?
Adam Moore
Michael Roberts
What kind of pleb plays Trials of Mana unironically on a PS4 when PC version is available with 120fps support?
Matthew Torres
Jack Butler
Only two of these games are good.
Henry Adams
uncharted and journey?
Connor Campbell
>was just getting started on P5 on rpcs3
>P5R comes out
>don't own a ps4 because nogames
Should I just wait and play P5R on ps5?
Benjamin Garcia
shut the fuck up daniel
Brayden Hernandez
GPU died and I don't wanna buy an underpowered overpriced GPU when much better models release this year.
on my 8600ks igpu right now.
Easton Hernandez
Most console owners don’t have a PC
Noah Martinez
Xenoblade and P5R?
Mike Pence is my uncle and will drone strike you if you're mean to me.