>Trials of Mana
>Xenoblade Chronicles:DE this month
Is this one of the best times in over a decade to be a JRPG fan?
What kind of pleb plays Trials of Mana unironically on a PS4 when PC version is available with 120fps support?
Only two of these games are good.
uncharted and journey?
>was just getting started on P5 on rpcs3
>P5R comes out
>don't own a ps4 because nogames
Should I just wait and play P5R on ps5?
shut the fuck up daniel
GPU died and I don't wanna buy an underpowered overpriced GPU when much better models release this year.
on my 8600ks igpu right now.
Most console owners don’t have a PC
Xenoblade and P5R?
Mike Pence is my uncle and will drone strike you if you're mean to me.
Yes, getting a ps4 at this point is a waste unlless you find one for Very cheap
Why would you play a fucking jrpg at 120 fps?
>level 10
You are pathetic. Get out of here.
Once PS5 hits, launch PS4s will dip below $100.
I don't bother with trophies. not a tryhard.
Can't wait for the game to come out
New IP JRPGs take nearly a decade to produce due to Japanese coders sucking ass.
same. its going to be a long 29 days
I'm glad it seems they got the engine running decently. Looks like no more 360p handheld/720p docked bullshit.
Just thinking about the music and the feeling of exploration makes me happy
How much bigger is 1 than 2?
I heard 1's map was crazy big.
>PS3 rerelease.
>SNES rerelease.
>PS1 rerelease.
No it looks like it kinda sucks.
have you tried baking your gpu?
No, the SNES rerelease of Trials of mana was last year.
And ironically the worst offender on there isn't a remake but a straight up full price DLC
no because too many RPGs at once is a giant fucking burn out and if i see one more voice textbox instead of an actual cutscene im going to kill someone
Textboxs trick my brain into thinking I'm still playing the game and don't trigger my impatience likely cutscenes do.
Feels good. Gonna be playing og ff7 as well once I finish Trials while waiting for Xenoblade 1 in the meantime
making gamu is very hardu
prease understandaru
its time for jrpgs to grow up a bit and introduce some dialogue wheels and shit. im not saying they have to be as choice based as western rpgs but allow some agency in dialogue
Vita and PS3 haven't hit below a $100 (unless some retard on eBay sells it for that low) link me a PS3 I can buy (that works) for less than $80 thanks
It's a good feel.
Nips hate pre-made engines too for some reason. They use so much time making their own and the games still look like shit.
They'd be better off just using unreal in most cases.