>he plays with Japanese voice acting when English is available
He plays with Japanese voice acting when English is available
English is a profoundly disgusting language to listen to. Especially when spoken by Americans, who make up the majority of dub actors.
>he doesn't know japanese
See, the thing about bait is that when you use it, at least some people aren't supposed to know it's bait. The majority are supposed to know, so they know you aren't retarded, but not everyone.
It's not bait, I genuinely despise the sound of the English language.
britbrit spotted
>hates english voices
>still plays with english text which is based on the english voices
Explain yourself.
why are you typing in english on an english image board?
based american poster
the written language is fine because I can't hear it.
I use both depending on the game. But a bad english voice does more damage to my overall enjoyment than a bad japanese voice will.
Every game should have the SFIV option to change language by character.
uhhh what are you doing inside your head when you read english?
>japanese devs
japanese voice is a must
>american devs
japanese voice is optional for ironic weebs
t. 16-year old edgelord who is trying to rebel against society and the jocks at his high school
>He doesn't play Western games with Japanese voice acting
I don't see how not liking certain sounds is edgy
uh, reading?
That's awfully specific, sure you aren't projecting there champ?
I agree with you user. Especially how they fuck up every single vowel and make diphthongs out of most of them.
はい。 そうですけど?
Do people on 2ch hate jap dubs of american games?
That would depend on how much of a Westaboo they are
Don't know. Why don't you go ask them yourself?
I'd rather listen to the language I know, rather than listen to some weird spider language.
English VAs are fucking awful. I would use it if they weren't such bad actors.
You don't have to hear the acting.
>implying I give a shit about english
You're just as much a foreigner to me as the japanese are.
But why though? Why consume foreign content if you refuse to understand the language?
>American voice acting
>KAKAROT *grunts*
Why are all american voice actors constipated?
>turn on japanese audio
>subs are english burgerization transcribe, not literal translation
>he doesn't play American games with Japanese subtitles
Is it bad that I would jerk it to Britney's tits every week on Big Brother?