Any games where I can do this to enemies?

Any games where I can do this to enemies?

Attached: 1569019351137.webm (960x720, 2.88M)

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There's lots of games where you can shoot enemies

Theres a black hole gun in saints row 3 or 4.

saints row 4

Ninja Gaiden 2 has a void ball move I think

Mega Man 9 has the Black Hole Bomb

God Outlaw Star is a good anime.

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Metroid Prime 2: Echoes

red faction armageddon

Lunar Silver Star Story for PS1?

>shafted in every way in favour of cowboy bebop

i mean, they're both damn good still, but c'mon

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The Binding of Isaac

I will admit Borderlands has some guns that are basically casters.

Half-Life 2 mod "SMOD" has a "Hopwire" weapon which is a grenade that sucks in everything around itself, including player if he doesn't skedaddle soon enough.
However, unlike your video, it doesn't destroy objects, only sucks them in.

Amid Evil
Quake 4

There's a black hole gun in Quake 4 but it's just a slow and strong projectile bomb.


>there will never be an outlaw star space pirate game
>there will never be a cowboy bebop space bounty hunting game

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Warframe has a black hole gun, but it sucks.

felt weird a space cowboy anime had a traditional Japanese hot springs episode


Ultimate Chicken Horse

Why didn't he move out of the way?
Why is light escaping the black hole?

I still can't believe they didn't censor this bit on daytime Toonami

Half-Life: Opposing Force, more or less. You can send any enemy to another dimension with a portal gun prototype

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Final Fantasy XV. There's a ring weapon you get later that lets you do something like this.

this show so fuckin dumb

Elder Scrolls -- soul trapping

I enjoyed it but the pacing was pretty poor and it really needed to go on longer

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Ratchet and Clank 3 has a terrific black hole weapon like this


Turok Evolution has a black hole grenade and it's fucking awesome

Turok 3
The shot itself also warps the map geometry

Bit of an outliner but I feel like I should mention, Final Fantsy VI on the SNES has a bug that makes it so the X-Zone/Banish spell always works on more or less every enemy, and even the vast majority of bosses

Maker's Finger in Dragon's Dogma
you can instakill the main boss of the game

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I think it was supposed to, the manga continues on past where the anime got to and the last episode ended on something like "see you again" or something

I think we can all agree that the grappler combat shit was retarded but everything else in the anime was good.

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>doesn't immediately succ the bosses

Also in Red Faction Guerrilla and Armageddon.