*has a 20 minute boss fight in your path*

*has a 20 minute boss fight in your path*

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When I first fought this boss on Hard Mode it became my favorite fight in the game. It's fallen down the list a bit but it's still near the top.

Wait, they actually brought the stupid house monster back!?

If this boss took you 20 minutes you are playing the game incorrectly.

>cutscene interrupts your progress every 2 minutes
>Tifa: I'm SCARED AND WORRIED GUYS even thought I fight bigass monsters everyday!

Attached: Train_Graveyard_Wide_FFVIIR.jpg (1920x1080, 431.73K)

Not only was it brought back, it was upgraded to mandatory progression boss.

I bet you're scared of spiders, faggot.

This whole place doesn't even fit narratively here. If the game was realistic the plate would've gone down way before they arrived.

In the OG this section was not this long. They should've either moved it to post-plate stuff or cut it by half.

Yeah and also the whole "I'm scared" thing was stupid.

i don't even kill the spiders in my house because they help kill the pests

Controlling Aerith to get to 7th Heaven was stupid too. Like they couldn't have fast forwarded to Marlene? This Remake is gonna take forever if they keep putting in all this filler.

Did they really expect me to give a shit about some ghosts when the Turks were on their way to drop the plate killing hundreds of thousands of people

SE basically had a checklist of all the monsters that needed to be shown, so they needed to show that horse guy who was a normal enemy as a boss.

Tifa has grown next to the train graveyard and its only natural that due to stories shes afraid to ghosts.

It was not, it was to show you the people running away, thing that wasnt in the original that was supposed to happen.

>It was not, it was to show you the people running away, thing that wasnt in the original that was supposed to happen.
Espect in the original people actually died whereas in the remake everyone just ran away. It was never implied in the OG that people escaped but it was highly implied in the remake that majority of the people survived.

Also again no. There is no reason for her to be afraid of ghosts like that, especially when she clearly fights them head on right after you exit the cutscene.

She was an adult when she left Nibelheim, wearing a cowgirl outfit. Her being scared was dumb, especially when she risks her life to bomb a reactor and get held up at gunpoint.

you are being too autistic. that sequence only exists to give us pic related

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>only 20 minutes

Attached: monsterhunter.gif (253x250, 624.15K)

>Espect in the original people actually died whereas in the remake everyone just ran away.
False, a lot of people still died. In the original it was implied some people survived since people were on alert before climbing the pillar, but you dont get to see anything.
Also, 50000 according to reeve lived in the slums, not everyone survived. A lot of people died, you just see those who lived near you that survived. Thats not even counting the ones on the plate.

Also, do you know how fear works? it is not about measuring one str with something you are afraid. You are just afraid and thats it. Tifa grew up with those stories near her slums, and never checked herself. Of course she doenst paralyze herself vs Ghosts, but there is some fear in her thats only natural and cant control.
Its like spiders. They are small and easily killed yet there are thousands of people that are scared of them.

So we easily cover 10 areas in FF7R
What are the next 10 areas in FF7R epsidoe 2?

>playing Xenoblade chronicles 2 after hearing lots of praise of it being a masterpiece
>get into a fight with one of the wandering monsters
>these fights are somehow unbearable long and tedious
>also somehow too short to even use the combat system which is just some dynasty warriors combo shit at .0000001% speed

Its the developers being autistic if they wanna do stupid shit to do have shit like this in their game. How about you make it natural instead of cringy?

>She was an adult when she left Nibelheim
She was 15 years old, with PTSD. No she wasnt.

It got me the first time. Not gonna lie. Second time I swapped materia out and it was doable but still long.
(These isn't a way past the god-mode shield is there?)

Even then, in the OG it was never made out to be like it was in the remake. I don't remember if it was the mayor who said it but basically it was said that the evucations made the whole thing a lot less dreadful than what it was suppose to be.

Add the whole mako reactor thing together, the developers are making this into a fairytale and making every dark bit less dark and make the main characters be the heroes that they never were in the OG.

You're right about the original. In that Tifa says something like "EVERYONE GET OUT OF SECTOR 7" but then everyone just stands there for whatever reason while you run up the pillar lol

My main problem is that all the NPCs that you met during chapter 3 made it along with their friends. It would have been more impactful if Marle had died or something.

no, but it's vulnerable to stagger immediately afterwards

Hey man I only had fire and blizzard on cloud and aerith

Shoudntve listened to nintendies

Attached: its okay when nintendo does it.png (1024x720, 644.95K)

its way less cool if everyone makes it out from under the plate. Reeks of star wars special edition.

Yeah thats true i guess. I think some of the dudes you do jobs for died, but i dont remember who.

Eh, chapter 2 and post plate fall was dark enough. Specially how the music intensifies.

why would nintendo fans be commenting or playing ff7?
this is one of the most insane strawmans ive ever seen.