Protagonist from the first game is the antagonist in the second game

>Protagonist from the first game is the antagonist in the second game

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Protagonist is a nigger
hard pass

Did you play GTAV

>Protagonist from the first game is an optional boss that kicks your ass

What do you have against black people? You do know that some of the most important historical figures were black right?

Take, Martin Luther King, for example. A brilliant activist dedicated to serving those discriminated against.

Or Tupac Shakur, a modern day poet for the downtrodden and abused.

Black people are just as brilliant as any other race, I hope we can work forward on making this site more welcoming to all.

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>Take, Martin Luther King, for example. A brilliant activist dedicated to serving those discriminated against.
He was actually a very disgusting person.

I literally have nothing against black people. I just like to rile people up and get reactions out of them.

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This but I also hate niggers

Has this ever been done well? Every instance I can think of seems to have gone over poorly

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Ok well that's understandable.

Don't be rude.

Come now, that video is hardly credible.

Diablo II.

Drakengard 2

>We're never getting a third prototype game
I will never not be mad about this

I think what helps Drakengard 2’s case is that Caim was already a psychopathic asshole in the original. Now he’s just directing that assholery to you.

Legacy of Kain seires.

b a s e d
fuck niggers

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That's Diablo possessing the guy though. It's not the hero doing a full on turn by their own will.

Both of these
also based

They really needed to make enemies tougher in Prototype. Also make stealth not shit.

So basically we need more psychopathic asshole protagonists so that these twists actually make sense. I'm down.

Stop it!

>Antagonist from the first game is the protagonist in the second game.

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you underestimate my niggers

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This reminds me of that X-Files episode where Cigarette Smoking Man's backstory is explored, and he listens to MLK's speeches and at first he agrees with him on the civil rights stuff, but when he starts mentioning commie shit, he goes and assassinates him just like he did with JFK.

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>you play as the killer of the charcter from the first game

It's alright, we all deserve second chances, I forgive you.

I wish you would be more respectful.

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he assassinates him because csm was the bottom bitch for the shadow government

pretty based

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