Literally just a picture of Aoko

Literally just a picture of Aoko

Attached: Aokocasual.png (1026x3060, 928.95K)

Attached: aoko4.jpg (1120x1088, 549.04K)

nice legs

her VN was only translated in french
useless language
call me when it's translated into language that matters

Quite cute desu

French is more useful than Japanese

Quite literally useless unless you live in France.

>implying that true magicians are allowed to be cute

did you guys not hear? it's done, they just have to translate the extra/bonus scenes, look at the type moon forum

Fucking link me

People have said that Mahoyo is "almost done, bro" for years

I was about to jokingly ask what class servant she is but apparently she's actually in Fate/EXTRA. Huh.

She's fun in Melty Blood. How's the VN she's in?

people say Mahoyo is Nasu's best work but they also said that about CCC, so take it with a grain of salt. It's almost done.

DDD is Nasu's best work t b h

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Wouldn't she just be a Caster like all magi-became-servants?

Yeah just like shirou

Shirou isn't a magus

Archer was, just a terrible one.

Dude her boobs are

rather nice

Finish your sentences.

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best aoko
best thread

Attached: Aozaki.Aoko.full.1663162.jpg (762x900, 229.75K)

The music to Mahoyo is one of my biggest inspirations as a composer.

I'm more interested in Fate/CCC, which is pretty close to being done, considering they're already re-making textures to replace Japanese text with English in assets where they can't just swap out text for text.

Aoko is hot!

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I don't get how her powers work. She steals heat energy and uses it to time travel?

Yeah he is, he couldm't get into the clock tower otherwise. They let shitty magus in all the time, but no non-magi as far as I'm aware.

who is this tohsaka wannabe?

bad bait

Just some chick from a failed game.

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Didn't Mahoyo do alright for the standards of a kinetic VN with no sex scenes?

i like fighting her in melty blood because her defeated sound is hilarious
also why is her hair different colors, is it like an akiha thing

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Nasu deals with numbers in the billions now. Mahoyo was too much work for too little of a return.

She converts historical events into heat with numerical values, then alters them using numerology.
At least, that's what I can infer.