Is this guy retarded? Aside from the shit politics, he treats ND employees like trash.
TLOUS2 - Neil Druckmann
ya, and the employee leaked the spoilers
now, they lash out at fans because they cant admit their shitty corporate culture led to a lot of unhappy employees. apparently unhappy enough to do some really shady things in revenge.
You mean he's a jew?
He's not retarded , he's a jew.They do nothing but subvert and destroy everything.
>look at the symbol near the truck door in the webm
He is still more rich and successful then you will ever be.
No fucking way
Weird how being a leftist he doesn't give a shit about the working conditions or his own employees
Progressiveness is a tool you can use to shield and bypass backlash from shitty business practices.
Just look at any other corporation, they adopt progressiveness not because it genuine but because it can be used as a shield and the problem is no matter how much you repeatedly tell these people this they will still not see it for themselves. They'd would still willingly just let it slide unless it's too bad past the limit of apathy to not defend.
>still being surprised by jewish tricks
Never trust them user NEVER.If there is forced migration or trickery always check the early life of those involved on wikipedia , chances are they are tribesmen
Neil "cuckmann" Druckmann
Neil "just druck my shit up mann" Druckmann
Neil "what's the appeal" Druckmann
Neil "joel-in-one" Druckmann
Neil "neil to your jew overlords" Druckmann
Neil "they ain't fans if they ain't trans" Druckmann
Neil "it's druckma'am" Druckmann
Neil "my character's fanny gets beat by a tranny" Druckmann
Neil "the industry's heel" Druckmann
Neil "your money is mine to steal" Druckmann
Neil "you haven't seen the last of us" Druckmann
No, just Jewish.
Your crusade against gods chosen will never succeed. Has history taught you nothing? Rage and terrorize all you want they will be here for all eternity
Stop fucking making this thread
guy reminds me of paul rudd
Why would (((Druckmann))) treat his employees so poorly..?
Also a tribe member.
What spoilers?
>Doesn't pay his employees
>Awful game gets leaked, loses out on sales
His own kikery bit him in the ass
So your pic implies that some specific events were not realistically feasible?
109 times, user.
>Is this guy retarded?
nah, he's just part of the upper classes or wishes he was. He not-so-subtly loves it when the common worker is mistreated
In fact, now that I think of it much of the affluent left has this problem. Look at the university system: a bunch of boomer administrators making 6 figures while literally turning their children into debt slaves. But it's OK because they're proliferating their politics.
The key thing to understand about these people is that they view their own beliefs and political ideals as more important than the health of other people. In Druckmann's case: the ""good"" his game's messaging would bring outweighs the suffering inflicted on his workers.
How antisemetic of you user , shame on you 10,4 errr 6 million died and you should be ashamed.
Yas Forumstards are using these threads as excuse to post stormfront shit
So like a kosher Ozymandias?
hey OP asked why is drucknose doing this to the shitty ga-... interactive movie
You know why jews got big noses?
because air is free
>he doesnt know
Hahaha cry harder.
I jerk off with your tears.