>MGS3: Snake Eater
>can actually eat snakes
MGS3: Snake Eater
>Megaman Battle Network
>You battle in different networks
>Hitman 2: Silent Assassin
>can actually complete every mission without detection
>Grand Theft Auto
>actually stealing cars left, right and center
>Allows you to switch between seven killers
>MGS4: Guns of The Patriots
>Patriot holds gun at the end of the game
>Grand Theft Auto 3
>you can steal 3 cars
>you can mine
>you can craft
>Resident Evil
>the resident of the mansion is evil
>Virgo vs the Zodiac
>Virgo kills or subdues all the other Zodiac signs by the end, even herself
>Monster Hunter
>You can Hunt a lot of Monsters
>Streetfighter V
>you fight in the streets
>God of War
>you actually become God of war
>you actually visit uncharted places
>Devil May Cry
>I should have been the one to fill your dark soul with light!!!
>Crash bandicoot 2 cortex strikes back
>Cortex does actually strikes back after losing in the first game
>Ratchet and Clank
>You fight with a ratchet that goes clank when you hit something
>you fight on an actual battlefield
>Mount & Blade
>you mount your horse and blade enemies
>Mount and Blade: warband
>you can ride horses, use a sword, and lead a band into war
>Dark Souls
>there are souls to collect, and some of them are dark.
>cant play with brown bricks
>Just Cause
>you're actually doing whacky shit just 'cause...
>Halo 2
>There is a second Halo
>Metal Gear Rising
>A Metal gear actually rises
>total war
>you can in fact, wage a total war
>neverwinter nights
>you are in the city of neverwinter for at least 2 nights
>the planet you crashland to is actually at the very rim of known space
Nice Wojak, Redditor.
Which number is this one?
>you can drop your life to half
>Defense of the Ancients
>you actually defend the ancients or it's game over
>Team Fortress 2
>there are two teams and two fortresses
>Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
>You are in Morrowind but there isn't a third edition Elder Scroll in the game.
You win some, you lose some.