Not even reddit defends this. Druckmann BTFO

Not even reddit defends this. Druckmann BTFO

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Dude spoilers!

>that texture pop in

I never played the last of us and never intended to, but seeing all these leaks have made me curious. Similar to how ME3's ending was

hol up so you telling me those evil Christians are a diverse group made up of multiple racial ethnicity and sexuality and identity?

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it's spoilered, tho?

Can someone give me a tl;dr of TLOU and why a tranny is killing the previous main character?

Just a flesh wound.

Where are the faggots that spammed an entire thread asking for "MUH PROOOOOOOOF" "UUUUUH THERES NO VIDEO OF JOEL DYIN" now?
ND shills permanently BTFO.

You got a problem with that

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Yaaa but i clicked bro

Different groups. This is the brave and bold joel bashing all tranny, all multiracial protags.

jew niggas shilling so hard for their lbgtiwisjqdsd290463+ movement that can't be bothered into writing a compelling or interesting story so they kill the only the main character to keep you on playing so you can get revenge on muh 41% when he's going to kill himself once he runs out of hrt anyway


Was the previous "leaked" plot a hoax?
I thought we were getting westbro baptist church trying to slay all the dykes, now we're fighting trannys?


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Where are the faggots that spammed an entire thread screaming "ELLIE DIEEEEES" now?
Spoiler fags permanently BTFO.


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Cope. Joel fucking dies, nigger.

listen i do not give a shit about sony movie games or soap opera zombie dramas but why are the actual fans of this game upset over muh dramatic protagonist death? thats what they usually cream their pants over. thats how the walking dead and all of this over dramatic zombie bullshit got popular in the first place, killing off main characters to be "realistic" and edgy. i know why i dont like it, because i dont like movie games, and i know why Yas Forums doesnt like it because a woman is doing something other than being a housewife, but why are twitter normies and reddit soys who actually like the game upset over this? its completely inline with the rest of the series

Why don't they go to the alternate timeline and get a new Joel?

Cope. Ellie fucking lives, nigger. I was right when I told you not to spoil shit with no proofs. You've spoiled it all wrong and as a result you've spoiled nothing. All because you didn't wait for proofs you dumb faggot

I hate this ugly trans shrek on steroids

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Cope. You got baited into spoiling the one thing you said he failed to spoil. Also dilate.

Didn’t both leaks say that Abby’s group was also hunting the Christian cult? Joel and Ellie going to fight said cult is what helps Abby find Joel and kill him

why does trabby kill joel?

>"pendejo" *spit*
I feel empowered.

Obviously I'm not talking about spoiling things on, I'm assuming everyone knows the story here. This retard spammed all over the internet that Ellie and Joel die and I told him to wait for proofs. He fucked up, he unspoiled people with his incorrect spoilers.

shes the daughter of the doctor that joel kills at the end of the first one

But that doctor was planning to kill Ellie so doesn't that make him evil too

>Spitting on Joel's corpse
>Can't even avenge him
... It hurts

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If the rest of this game was you murdering firefags in increasingly brutal and graphic ways for revenge, it'd be GotY.

>texture fucking pop in
Only on Playstation exclusive

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But no our expectations have to be subverted or else it won't be good right?

Damn that dudes huge!

But user, he'll be avenged in the novel prequel to the netflix series that'll more likely be tied to a mini series comic.

And how the fuck does trabby overpower Joel? Was she on roids or something?

fuck op, then

yeah but that was to possibly save humanity

why is the hero character so evil? this is like a wwii game where you play as a concentration camp guard.

its a classic revenge tale where none of the people are actually evil but just misguided or whatever. doctor wants to kill ellie to save the world, joel kills doctor to save ellie, doctors kid kills joel cuz he killed her dad, ellie will probably kill her because she killed joel, etc. its not even bad writing. Yas Forums hates it because an unattractive muscle freak woman is portrayed as badass and normalfags hate it because they like joel.

i clapped

A woman can easily kill a man

We don't use the word 'good'

That sounds like shit writing on par or worse than telltale's walking dead post season 1

>And how the fuck does trabby overpower Joel?
Joel gets destroyed in a 1 vs 10 fight

Is it pop in or just a messed edition from whoever made that video? Legit question.

Fun one. Also yeah, that's true, if the woman has any training or raw strength but I'm fairly certain Joel had more training, experience and just strength that our tranny friend

expectations thoroughly subverted

Oh so he gets ganged up? Glad to see they also added nigger bits to the game then

No no no I mean the actual story. Some kind of virus infects people turning them in to mutants, Joel finds Ellie and they both try to survive, something like that? I heard it had a twist like Joel melted steel beams and is a bad guy but I haven't played the game and now I see some kind of mutant clubbing what appears to be an already dead person.

>A woman can easily kill a man

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why? thats what happens IRL all the time. its not original at all and its not some mind blowingly good writing but its not shit writing. shit writing is writing that doesnt make any sense

Anyone know if the character in the scene is LITERALLY a tranny or is it just people meming because of the ridiculous way they look? I can't even tell anymore.

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Nah it's just a regular girl but that physique and bulk would make you think twice before playing hide the pickle

She dies later. After this point you play as the Tranny.

I think its an actual chick, just roided out.

>joel finds ellie
>ellie immo to zombie thing
>medics and scientists want to know why
>Ellie has to die or some stupid bullshit like that so they can develop a cure
>joel goes full chimp and kills everyone to save Ellie
>kills Trabby's mother
And that's it, nothing else to Abby's story or background

>"Why yes, I do play golf, how could you tell?"

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biological female. the tranny thing is a Yas Forums meme and it should be obvious because if they put an actual tranny in the game they would not make it comically masculine. actual trannies would lose their fucking minds

I have some bad news for you, bro.
After this scene, the Gigatranny takes over as the protagonist and Ellie is the final boss.

was the mexican spiting really nesacary? spic here we dont really do that shit unless were bum fuck ghetto and even then we dont spit we piss on them to show dominance.

>its not even bad writing.