Spiral Mountain

Spiral Mountain.

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Mauville City.

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Nut & Bolts: Aka the game that put the death nail into Rare's coffin only for it to be severely downsized thereafter.

are you confusing based nuts & bolts with kinect sports rivals?

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Floaroma Town!

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Bob-omb Battlefield

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Should I play Banjo Kazooie? How much of a pain is it to get 100% completion and how does the movement feel? If it's sluggish in comparison to sm64 I don't think I'd enjoy it.

early rare was like 10 years ahead of its time graphics wise. I'm still amazed every time I play the DKC series, can't believe those are SNES games

Movement's fine, but it's a bit slow until you learn the Talon Trot (which is found in the first level of the game). Play the XBLA version if you want a more enjoyable time with 100%, since you don't have to recollect notes if you die. It's a fun game, but it's aged, as most games from that era have. You can perform a good amount of fast movement options, you just have to get good with the controls. It's good.

this was the most enjoyable part of BK for me. i really liked the sort of woodsy camp vibe it had. the other levels didnt give me quite the same sense of charm until Click Clock Wood


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>ugly soulless unity version

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>comparing an 8mb launch title in 1996 to a 32mb 2000 game utilizing the n64 expansion ram pack.

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>How easy is it to 100%
Also if you're looking for obstacle course platformers, B-K isn't for you. B-K is all about exploring and completing challenges/puzzles, the platforming is just a vehicle for it. That said, the controls in B-K have aged better than the controls in SM64.

pretty sure that was DK64 that used the expansion pak

Looks great to me. I also really like the color of the sky.

Banjo-Tooie doesn't utilize the expansion pak in any way.

at least it was until sakurai fucked everything up

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You're right, been forever, my bad. Still, it was 32mb cart.

God N&B was so pretty. Too bad all the character art was garbage. Still had a lot of fun with it though.

Official Spiral Mountain rankings
Smash > Nuts & Bolts > Tooie > Kazooie >>>>>>>>> Grunty's Revenge

>only has two residential homes

It isn't that bad, I honestly don't know what I would do to change it

If you honestly look at the Smash version and think that's a downgrade, I'm afraid you are one of two things. A stevefag, or blind.

Jellyfish Fields

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Humba Wumba>Mumbo Jumbo.

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You lose your notes upon death but it's really only an issue (that can be avoided by doing harder shit first) in a couple levels.

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I think he meant new mauville city

I actually like this gijinkas, that's rare.


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Damn I completely forgot about this game, I gotta go emulate it now. I played it endlessly when I was younger but my brother stole my copy and sold it to gamestop and I never knew what happened to it.

Rainbow Cliffs. Home.


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I recently played Banjo-Kazooie and I must say I get the fuzz about it, it's actually a great game and has gone to be one of my favorites instantly. Eager to play Banjo-Tooie sometime soon.

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>a stevefag
Steveposting was a meme. Hell I did it for the (you)'s and found that hideous and grotesque 3d model hilarious.


You'll love Tooie. It's like Banjo-Kazooie, but with more content. One of the levels is an amusement park.

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>Remake/reimagining of classic level
>Colors are completely faded and any of the stylization is removed
Every fucking time.

This is good but
>Banjo not wearing shorts
You had ONE job.

>No, i'm not a stevefag, i was just a literal stevefag

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Oh boy, you are in for some massive disappointment.