Why are people like this? Why do fags care so much about getting their little videogames spoiled?

Why are people like this? Why do fags care so much about getting their little videogames spoiled?

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If a game gets spoiled, I can still enjoy it for the great gameplay. This shitty movie only has it's retarded story to carry it.

What a retard. I will continue to complain about senseless female protagonists in video games but can't be arsed to spread spoilers around.

yeah if the ending getting spoiled has any negative impact on your overall experience, then the game wasn't that good to begin with..

Gamers are toxic as fuck and devs don't deserve the treatment they get.

fans didnt spoil the game.
an employee did that.



It's a pretty incelly thing to do.

>gamers are angry and toxic
>devs and media antagonize them
>gamers become more and more toxic

If a game can get spoiled it's not a good game to begin with.

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The venn diagram between Twitter users with verified checkmarks and retards is a complete circle. Funny.

leftists arent people, theyre drones for the powerful

but whats the point of a good story if i cant repetitively rehash 10+ year old gameplay on the way through?

You fuckers have spoiled me so many times that I just don’t care anymore

Because normalfags don't actually play games. They value cutscenes above all else. Games are the same as their shitty movies and netflix originals. WHo would ever give a shit if someone spoiled the story of a game that focuses on gameplay?

The people treating developers poorly are the other developers. Like for example, the people who work at Naughty Dog.

I dont know man, if I spoiled a game you were looking forward too I'm sure youd be kinda annoyed right?

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most of the people that are calling the game shit because of the leaks are doing so because the "stronk female protagonist" is getting the absolute fuck beaten out of her by ogre though.

Yeah this, a lifetime of sitting in front of a screen staring at pixels making no friends no developmental milestones no memories has created a generation of little cunts

if the spoilers were showing off that the game was literal, unfiltered garbage i'd probably be upset at first but grateful i got to know that information before i actually bought the product
i'd rather be disappointed now and $60 dollars richer than halfway through the game when the remorse starts kicking in.

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Not really. If the enjoyment of a story hinges on a spoiler it's probably not that good of a story and it relies on cheap thriller twists to keep your attention. This goes doubly so for videogames. Stories in videogames should be vehicles to contextualize the gameplay, instead products like TLOU use videogames as vehicles to tell B movie stories.

>hurr my political opponents Nd bad ppl are the same
wow clever man

People spoil because it's funny that you care so much about something so shitty and pointless. The "Snape kills Dumbledore" spoilers didn't have any political agenda.

I knew about all the enemy stands before I got into Jojo and was anticipating for how cool people made them out to be

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I play the game for gameplay, who the fuck cares if you "spoil" a plot point. Hell, in old days films like Seven Samurai outright stated that four samurai died and were victorious in defending the village, maybe Drunkman hates spoilers because without cheap suspension it's shit?

if the plot hinges on one spoiler that ruins the rest of the game then its not a very good plot.
like i should see it and want to know how it gets to that point, not see it and be disgusted that the game would stoop that low

Perhaps because everyone was a cunt to them, tit for tat.

Why do people use twitter? It just seems like a fantastic way to get a shit load of people to dislike you.

this literal who twitter faggot is seething in his impotence and the only thing that faggot can do is lash out like a pussy in passive-aggressive demeanor.
What a loser, lmao.

You're right we are being to light on devs, everytime they fail they should be publicly humiliated

Pretty sure no-one was annoyed when it was thought ellie would be the protag.

Not really. All verified checkmarks are retarded, but not all retarded are twitter users. You didn't think about this because you, too, are retarded.

There have been female game protagonists for nearly as long as games have existed. People don't complain about the ones that aren't shit.

It was at least bearable with a full Ellie game like we thought

These arguments are so retarded. Even if a spoiler doesn't ruin a story, the experience is enhanced by not knowing. If a story has a good twist, your reaction should be "man, I wish I could've had a geniune reaction to that when it revealed in the story".

Are you new here, mate?

first part is true, second part is not.
Gamers are the most annoying people on earth, including Yas Forums.

Attention whoring. 1% of people are responsible for 80% of all tweets.

If a game gets ruined by spoiling its plot it's a shit game.

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The problem is the story is shit and the game is shit. People just like it because it's hyperadvertised to them and they're retarded consoomers that buy things to participate in a social experience of "enjoying" the same game as thousands of others.

>devs don't deserve the treatment they get.
you mean like not getting paid, while the director gets his extra big bonus instead

but what if it was a book or a good TV show? I never played the last of us so I dont really understand the spoilers

This is true if we restrict the definition of "gamers" to the vocal minority on social media and the 10 year olds on XBL.