It's ironic that a businessman has more knowledge of entertainment than a writer

It's ironic that a businessman has more knowledge of entertainment than a writer

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Reggie has kids so obviously he understood the importance of just fun.

He's a marketer, it's his job to know the ins and outs of entertainment in order to utilize what people like.

he also has a soul

Not surprised. You have to have a bit of brain matter to keep yourself above the water as a businessman, but you can be an absolute retard as a writer nowadays.

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druckmann isn't a writer he's a faggot posing as an "artist"

it is partly because he also play video games
what kind of games druckman even play?

No. Writers are historically self-important narcissistic faggots who bring down other fields because they think they know better than anyone. They've been a menace since the dawn of writing

Reggie ain't a jew

Reggie is the president of Gamestop

>very much inspired by my "personal politics"

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>being Jews

user Jews are actually good at jewery, gamestop trys it's best but just can muster the finer dealings of the Jewish ways.

>Not incredibly jewish
Can I interest you in a buttfucking?

I know a ton of businessmen that have a smarter view on art than most liberal arts graduates.

Based Nintendo, as always.

Attached: Videa) Based Nintendo vs Soy-ny.png (800x295, 255.19K)

Writers nowadays don't write to entertain, but to push agendas.

The main point of all this is that jews are the problem. Get rid of jews and every other trivial thing like faggot shit just vanishes overnight.

if he's so introspective and philosphical, then why won't he pay his devs a decent wage for the amount of work they do

I think there's room for both types of vidya. TLOU2 is still dumbster fire though

If I want to get into philosophy I would read a fucking book. Videogames are not and will never be high art. It’s entertainment.

>It's ironic that a businessman has more knowledge of entertainment than a writer
Are you sure you know what irony is

Pretty much.

Attached: Videa) Battlefield V Storm the beach of normady for this.png (1600x878, 1.81M)

Well duh, the other guy's a Jew

Game stop is failing user. There's a difference between being greedy fuck and being a jew.

If you enjoyed our game, we've failed.

They are two different people involved with two different types of product and I am glad that the industry has room for both.
I don't get why people here get so mad that games exist that aren't in line with their personal taste?

If Gamestop was jewish it certainly wouldn't be knee deep in the grave right now

Bros I miss Reggie.

underrated post

It's not ironic at all. The business man has business sense. Going for mass appeal is about making money, unless you're going to tell me that the top 10 on the radio are truly music at its peak.

You can and should have a bit of both. Not everything needs to be a lighthearted romp and not everything needs to be a dour, grim tale. The biggest problem is that the game and/or story is bad not that it’s not “fun”. I mean Apocolpyse Now or Platoon aren’t fun but they’re still amazing stories

>American reading comprehension