What pisses you off in games?
What pisses you off in games?
Shitty, unrefined hitboxes.
Games having shit lighting like RE3
I love Nui!
Having to actually play them. You’d think they’d have made accomplishing things more efficient and accessible by now but sadly we’re still far behind from the ideal
The last time I got pissed at game was KoTOR. I haven't played a Star Wars game since I finished it and had an autistic meltdown. I think that was the angriest I have ever been.
menus with fancy graphics and animations that make them non-instantaneous which causes the game to ignore your fast directional input but load just before it can pick up on your confirm or accept input which then causes you to waste even more time than waiting for the full menu animation to play before putting in any input because you then have to back out or go back into the submenu you were in and possibly cause the exact same thing to happen again because you expected the slow animation to magically disappear because you actually really, really want the slow animations to magically disappear
Despite not being able to think of a game off the top of my head with menu'ing like this I know EXACTLY what you're talking about and hate it too
Like this guy
Shitty online.
Also this Protype one does this shit.
>first person perspective
>player is voiced
But thou must. Either give us actual choices or don't give us choices.
So the Dark Souls franchise?
Shitty animations.
Those are a lot more fair than you realize, not perfect but definitely not a good example of bad hitboxes. Unless we're talking DaS2
Nuifags, arise!
based and HUP-pilled
The hitboxes are ok for the most part, sadly they added shockwave effects that you cant see that makes players think they are bad
Clipping with my characters outfit/armor, or if my character's hair is going through the steel collar of my armor and shit like that
Disgusting fucking creatures. Hang yourselves. Also low difficulty level.
Unskippables tutorials,feminism.
Getting stunlocked. Nothing turns me into an unironic little seething boy faster
i find nothing fun about fighting other people
Epic build up to bosses, then a QTE bossfight.
Dying light and Spacemarine are the worst offenders for me.
Is this a higurashi reference?
Games that have missables in an extremely small window. Especially if they're unintuitive.
Why do you think they do that stuff? My logic is that it's intentional so it's incentive to reply the game to artificially create play time
>Want to leave game
>have to go back to main menu
>have to see the devs studio names or whatever
>have to press start
>log in to servers
>then leave
And don't forget the damage spread on his rockets. Are you going to take 14 damage or 80 damage? Maybe they will have the homing capabilities to pull a near perfect 180 and still hit you. And he just screams and dances and is too skinny to hit.
Fuck that guy.
>Being combo'd to death because of shitty recover mechanics/enemy attack timing, where no input you do can break the chain
>Shitty AI team mate fucks everything up for absolutely no reason
I would guess that's the case, but I have no idea how they figure people will figure out that "X activates during a really small period of time when you do Y" on their own. Seems like the kind of shit meant to sell guides.
>one weapon raises attack
>the other raises damage
i should have looked this up when i first played through dragon age
unskippable cutscenes
forced walking
Finishing a game and having to press the reset button to continue playing, but there's no way to tell, so you just sit there for a minute or so mashing shit waiting to see if it saves after. And then the rare case where it does continue, but without any indication that you have to do an input to continue, but only after 20-30 seconds have passed
so all Western games
When a game has a section that destroys the entire flow of the game but you have to do it anyways because the devs said so.