How do you play games with ADD?
How do you play games with ADD?
I don't.
I don't remember the last time I played a game
What the fuck is that shit on her head?
ADHD isn't real.
Prove me wrong.
>ADD thread
>ADHD pic
This really triggers my OCD.
Why do you keep making this same thread every 30 minutes?
Me on the right.
Adhd sucks my peepz.
They're nore or less the same thing, desu.
Has she tried not being such a little bitch
What are some games with ADD?
I thought it was about social anxiety/mental issues but no it's just a chick whining about virus.
Like a normal person. I play the same game until i get bored, and move on. The only difference being that if I don't take my medicine I'll play The Division 2 for 12 hours naked
Problem 1 is laziness
So is problem 2
Problem 3 is being dumb
Problem 4 is being a sperg
>lazy dumb sperg
>mfw I've seen this exact reaction in someone
What was the context?
fuckin' Japs man
I have ADHD and I have problems with all of this. But don't let that stop you from doing things. I'm doing my phd in chemical engineering at a top 10 school right now. Getting here took longer than most people though. Spent 5 years in undergrad and had to take a break for 1.5 years before starting grad school.
is this the Yas Forums version of "just be happy lol"
Alien antenna
>ADHD alien
Can't speak on a grand scale but it certainly wasn't real for me. Parents said "lol fuck you" to the meds and lo and behold I grew out of it. I didn't have a fucking disorder, I was a little boy. That's how they are, doc.
what makes you think that?
It's best to just go through life with an undiagnosed mental illness. Fuck getting some poofta label on you like a simp.
ur wrong.
prove me wrong.
dumb frogposter.
I'm pretty sure ADD nowadays is just labeled as ADHD-PI. They're the same thing, but whatever you wanna call it.
>They're nore or less the same thing
fuck no lmao
Yeah, whatever it takes to sell medication for a fake disorder.
i play a lot of games where you have to be focused on it all the time. If it's something slower, i can always watch some videos on second monitor.
Nice. She being scarred for life is way hoter than any sex scene.
You are a cat, be a cat. Enjoy your passing interests and do as you please. Pay no mind to your inferiors.
Also turned based games let you walk away and do other shit and come back.
I play the games you can kinda shift gears on like Destiny 2 or TBS games. Casual playing for when my brain tells me none of anything matters and sit up in my chair mode to yell at hunters or my betraying lords
im sorry i didnt hear you cause ur lame and my brain be knocking lame out my head real fast
I know a guy with legit ADHD and he's honestly a toddler in a grown body. It might be overdiagnosed to an insane degree, but it is real.
He's Chris Chan tier funny though. The shit he pulls boggles belief.
I can relate to this whole comic and I've taken one of those shitty ADHD tests on the internet, which claim an indication of "Severe ADHD". Still, I just think I'm dumb and there's nothing I can do about it. I did have severe OCD though, which might be linked to that in some way. I only play casual FPS games because I fucking hate thinking and planning my next move, I just wanna move and shoot the closest thing on my screen.
i would but i cant concentrate long enough
That sounds more like autism than ADHD - genuine autism, not the meme buzzword.
ur not dum just scatterbrained man. Cheers
choke yourself
I'm glad we still have frogposters. Its like a stamp that lets you know when a post isn't even worth reading so you can save some time.
superior gf comin' thru
I'm not into that, user. I'm into
This. What we call "ADHD" is just being undisciplined.
If parents still beat their children ADHD would disappear.
>Horribly raped and permanently damaged by the experience
>First thought is how she wishes everyone else had to suffer the same fate
Women, am I right fellas?
More like
>doesn't think about you at all gf
I've been playing games so long that my coping mechanisms are automatic and I can't actually help anyone else by telling them what I do because it doesn't work that way. It's all internalized, and it's far from perfect. If too much shit is happening at once I WILL still get overwhelmed until I have enough experience to parse it on the fly, though typically that will not be feasible for a long while and instead I will simply learn what to focus on rather than truly think on what is happening. Other people will simply see me boggle and generally call me a retard, but it's not that I can't understand what's happening, it's that I'm trying to see everything in its entirety at once and I lack the ability to just calm down and look at the layers individually. I rely a lot on learned sequences, force of habit, and muscle memory. If I was a bit dumber than I am I don't know what I'd do, but I'd be really shitty at video games.
she cute
She's like eight years old you fuck. She's not a woman.
t. sheltered 14 year old
>If parents still beat their children ADHD would disappear.
Reminds me of my ex with bpd. Except that I ended up helping her out of her slump and she became a super popular indie girl with a tall Chad bf after she dumped me. I miss when she was a nerd who wrote fics and played old vidya.
for fucks sake how many initialisms are they going to make for "can't pay attention to boring bullshit"
over diagnosed mental illnesses are just the modern day zodiac anyway they should keep it simple
women never commit suicide on purpose
Just stop being sad lol.
My nigga. We live in an age where people like to blame "brain problems" for everything so they don't have to take responsability for their acts.
Jordan Peterson unironically said something along these lines a while back
Exercise, lmao
just do laps around your road, you can do it at any time of day or year
a good 1-2am 10 laps around your small street is enough to tone down the energy
ADHD is just having tons of energy anyways, just eat right, don't feed into terrible emotions, and exercise daily to vent them out and you'll be fine
t. did several hours of blast furnace the past two days to be able to smelt runite ore, just got back from running up and down my road
>evolved to hunt, fight, and walk around all day
>put in school and made to sit and listen to boring stuff
"""mental illness"""
Psychologist here
Answer these questions and I will try to give advice:
1: do you think you act in a way that is unusual, undesirable or bizarre?
2: do you think that whatever ails you distracts you, confuses you, or otherwise interferes with your responsebilities and life?
3: does whatever ails you cause you distress, emotional pain or anxiety?
4: has what ails you ever brought you in danger of harming others or yourself?
5: how long has this been affecting you?
than pls explain why chris chan is such a autist.
>He doesn't try to find humor in the most awful, heartbreaking things just to make this constant nightmare hellworld a little easier to deal with day by day
You're never gonna make it, man.
>MA student in pysch here because I couldn't get hired anywhere with a BA in sociology so my parents are paying for another degree here
My point is that you're a sick fuck