Will we ever get Xenoblade Chronicles X sequel?

Will we ever get Xenoblade Chronicles X sequel?

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God I hope so

God I hope not

sure, probably. they've made it clear they want to make it.

Do you miss Potato-chan?

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The more important question is will it come to switch?

xenosaga 4 baby

I wish, but we won't. Unless of course, XB3 will be an XC2 AND X sequel.

I unironically do.

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I'm more interested in a Switch port so I can ignore my Wii U forever.

How emulatable is X?

id prefer if they finished xcx before putting out a sequel

Tell me about your dream XBX2.

I wonder what YouTube video you pulled this from.

Never tried it myself but I saw some anons emulating it and if I remember right it only had some sound/music bugs when emulated.

Hopefully with a better visual direction and without that hack Sawano ruining most of the game's atmosphere and vibe.

>inb4 it's just NLA!!
No, most of the soundtrack is garbage.

I miss everyone

The guy responsible for the UI needs to be fucking fired and blacklisted from every vidya company ever, holy shit it's complete garbage on so many levels.

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A bunch of Monoltih's UI people apparently left the company recently so you might've gotten your wish.

Works mostly flawlessly. CEMU is incredible.

I dislike the main cast but some of the side characters have a special place in my heart. The side missions in general were the thing that kept me going.

What's wrong with it?

If only I didn't have a toaster.

One game per console

Same cast as before, no need for new characters, story team should remain Elma, Lyn, Tatsu. Cross can be a random recruitable but not the player character. There should be more alien cities and a longer storyline about why the Lifehold is destroyed, but why anyone and everyone is still alive. And I bet Lao is still alive because nobody can actually permanently die in Mira.

Don't be retarded user.

>What was Xenoblade
>What was Xenoblade X

I don't know, you tell me.

>finished 1 (Wii and 3DS) and 2
>bought XCX in launch but gamepad broke during a move and never felt like playing on controller where I'd be gimped in menuing and such
>game has been sitting and collecting dust for years

I guess its time I played it on my crusty pro controller. Think I could finish it before XCDE comes out?

the most soulful game of it's generation

The text is too small.
Its also bland. Its just white text with blue outline.

Everything. It's counter-intuitive and counter-convenient, missing even most basic features in many places, and always wasting your time.
It would probably be easier to say what ISN'T wrong with it.

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Probably not, but they definitely add new stuff in Switch port. I heard they planned big DLC for the game but it got cancelled due to Wii U run out of lifespend

If they can bring back cut contents in XBDE then i'm pretty sure they gonna do the same with XBX

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Can you actually turn off the whole UI in game or do you need the CEMU mods for it?

So nothing.
This user at least mentioned the text which I admit is a rad too small but you, you've said absolutely nothing.

I think the switch isn't powerful enough to give x the true sequel it deserves

You can turn off all of it so you have absolutely nothing in the game itself.

You could definitely rush the story but that'll take at least 40 hours and even then you'll be severely underleveled for what's to come.

Sure, eventually.

Probably not.

one game per console


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There is nothing behind the text.
It doesn't have your HP and other useful information in a jrpg.
From what I can remember playing the game, the armor system was confusing because you can equip armor, but then you can like put on the appearance of different armor. I didn't really get it at the time but its been awhile.
Where all the speech text boxes were was also too small and like off to the side.

Nice, I think I will do that when I finally get to playing X. Feels pretty nice to try to get a hold of the landscape without relying on a map.