Why won't /v admit that xbox is the best gaming option?

Why won't /v admit that xbox is the best gaming option?

>better graphics than ps4
>better hardware than ps4
>performs on the level of a $1,200 PC for $400
>new xbox will have integrated ray tracing

no one care about your faggy anime ps4 exclusive games. Xbox is literally the best console. No one wants to pay $10,000 for a PC that only performs slightly better

Attached: xbox.jpg (1024x576, 53.45K)

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I can't play Sony movies on it

yes you can, the xbox has a built-in 4k blu-ray player

>slightly better
>can barely run PUBG at 30 FPS
Jesus, bait so terrible an xretard had to come up with it.

stop saying things I agree with

It's called a shitty port, user.

Yeah but where are the games

What's the most important thing about a gaming console? THE FUCKING GAMES.

Remakes and sequels don't count.

Hubris, fanboyism, and shitposting
It's not that difficult to understand.

you're not going to have a job in a year when Xbox (tera)flops again, fucking shill nigger

But I already have a pc, why would I waste money on a shitbox?

Xbox exclusives come to PC, Sony ones don't. That said, there are no Sony games worth getting, so I guess it is the better console. You win op

>integrated ray tracing
Prepare for every game using it to look significantly worse to make up for the giant performance deficit it causes.

This used to be a Sony board. Wtf happened?

all the games are on pc

no game since 2015, only movies

Damn. I gotta buy it now. Thanks OP I would love to spend hundreds of dollars on that with next gen right around the corner. That is clearly the smart move.

Yeah and Xbox has the best library

Still more movies then Xbox has though

that was on the original xbox one, not the X.

Xbox can't play the greatest modern platforming masterpiece Knack. Therefore, not worth buying.

Attached: Knack.jpg (256x320, 58.28K)

People are waking up the fact that Xbox actually offers GAMES in light of the Naughty Dog film controversy. Xbros win yet again.

the xbox has literally all the games that matter: the blockbusters.

No one outside of 100 people of Yas Forums care about your niche walking simulators and anime games

> the giant performance deficit it causes
source: your ass

because Yas Forums is a sony/nintendo/pc board unironically
every xbox thread you'll get shit on for liking the console, out of all gamers WE xbros are the oppressed ones.

Attached: janniecope.png (1184x836, 403.96K)

>RTX literally halves your framerate.
There's your source.

\Try $500. You can build a pretty decent PC for that money. Probably pretty much on par with the consoles if not better.

congratulations, you wasted over a thousand dollars for something that performs almost the same as an xbox

I'm with you OP, I'll buy, fuck pc

No it doesn't.

>Nshitia gimmick nukes your performance to try and get you to pay for more expensive hardware
XSX is 12TF raster + 13TF RT IN PARALLEL



not every game has to use full path tracing. it's like old games with MSAA x8. you can have just as good looking RT with minimal impact to performance.


Yes. Xcucks are niggers and niggers are (and should) be oppressed.

They've abandoned their current gen console to get a headstart on the next gen 3 times in a row.

Xbox has no soul

Attached: Raimi-Webbed-Suit.jpg (2048x1152, 306.44K)

Oh look who it is

Attached: peacefulsonyfan1.png (1003x854, 91.51K)

on par. stop falling for shitty PCMR shills. for $500 u cant make a good all new PC. A cpu + mbo is already about half of the $500. Then you need a case($20), ram($40), monitor(....?), keyboard, mouse, hard drives, and a gpu(preferably not a 1030). It cost more.

stop being a /v faggot. no one cares about what game you play bc they are all shit.

My PC is the best gaming option.

i just realized I am on /v. wtf I thought this was /gay

goodbye filthy steaming snoyniggers

Attached: 1588013536856.png (4416x3136, 2.07M)

Sony doing more bad than good and Xbox doing more good than bad the past 3-4 years. The only thing left to seal the deal is announce Killer Instinct 2.

Attached: 1531099475795.gif (320x240, 3.27M)

>no backwards compatibility
>weak hardware
>terrible controller design with useless LEDs and touchpads to appeal to 10 year olds
>playstation drones only use their consoles to play Fortnite, NBA 2k and call of duty
>weaker hardware than the xbox two gens in a row
>exclusives this gen are going to be the same as last gen, cinematic tech demos with no gameplay
>xbox series x is able to run gears 5 in 4k 60fps with every setting set to ultra (I should specify that it runs in REAL 4k, I know you PlayStation tards are used to getting fake checkerboarding)
>not able to raytrace in realtime unlike the xbox series x which can run Minecraft raytracing in 4k 30fps
>no upgradeable storage
>censorship, something even a childrens game console like Nintendo Switch doesnt do
>Last of Us leaks show Sony doesnt give a shit about quality control
>first party sony games have trannies in them
sonybrahs xbox fucking won im switching to the SEX next gen we never win anything

Attached: download.png (188x268, 8.68K)

>performs on the level of a $1,200 PC for $400
not only no but fuck no

uber based