Well Yas Forums?

Well Yas Forums?
Is Bulbasaur right?
RIGHT NOW there are literal companies DMCA'ing fucking tweets just to do damage control for that TLOU 2 trashfire

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Bulbasaur is always right because it's the best

it's not like you'd stop needing to work just because you overthrow capitalism, the state would just start extracting value from you instead

shut the fuck up bulbasaur, mondays always suck

Mondays never turn out as bad you expect it to.
Sundays can suck a fat cock for always ending weekends on a sour note.

It's a weird statement because it's not like you wouldn't have to work without capitalism.

i hate everything and everyone

Yeah, I should be be fed with food nobody grows or harvests, get goods at stores where nobody works who get their goods from companies with no employees to develop or manufacture these products and who ship them with carriers that don't employ anyone.
And I should get it for free.

Capitalism has failed.

Bulbasaur is right, because without capitalism you would be working every day of the week and you wouldn't have a reason to hate Mondays.

You guys only hate Tlou because you hate the reality of a strong woman and also because it's a Sony exclusive.

reminder that vast majority of people who unironically hate capitalism and advocate for socialism and upper-middle class white kids

shut the fuck up tim pool

People who hate capitalism are always on the low rung of society because they are fucking lazy failures

t. self-made richfag

He’s not wrong

it was always the

Fridays > Mondays > Thursdays > shit > Wednesdays = Tuesdays

look, its complicated

Nah shut the fuck up
Spend ten years in cuba and tell me what you think of your so sought after alternatives.

I hate mondays because my internet doesn't work on weekdays from 12 to 6 for some reason

whoa! bulbasaur got a little crazy there folks!

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That's what those trannies believe, you don't expect them to be smart.


This is the most millennial picture I've ever seen. It's a fucking cartoon frog from Pokemon making a sweeping statement about ""Capitalism""

I feel so bad for this generation. They're just gonna grow old and only have a feeling of "I got fucked" to show for it

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Why do commies think that they won't have to work if capitalism goes away?
People actually have to work less now than at any other time in history.

This. They grew up with no brains.

too much free time to think of free time

No, it’s lazy upper middle class white kids over here in burger land as one user said

what do you mean socialism isn't welfare state?

whatever helps you sleep at night schizo

Based. Niggers aren’t blacks.

Holy shit you're retarded. The amount of "work" required to maintain a homestead or family farm with lots of kids was minimal as fuck. Leisure time back then was through the roof. The common man is worked harder and for longer hours now than at virtually any other point in history.

it's either lazy or a failure, pick your reason


Bluba is actually right. Best starter is also the most (((((woke))))) on the NQ.

slav from a post-commie country here.
Communism is just capitalism on sterpids where they rip you off without even giving you the choice.
Fuck that I'd rather be paid in cash than stale bread and beatings, thanks.

All I'm saying is, prove him wrong.

>Is Bulbasaur right?

No, now go hang yourself you commie loving fuck.

>working the fields all day every day, plus whatever else needed doing at home is less work than flipping burgers at McDonald's for 40 hours a week
Sure thing bud


>national socialism

>Oh, so you actually experienced communism yourself? TOO BAD! That wasn't real communism, your opinion doesn't count.

Motherfucker plowing the fields and feeding the cattle was less time consuming and soul crushing than corporate burger-flipping.

You've been misled. Capitalism and communism aren't the only choices.

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If it weren't obvious enough that retarded socialists are just lazy losers that don't ever want to have to work for a living

>be in high school
>see people suffering on TV
>"why the fuck people gotta be hurt man.... the world sucks"
>genuinely believe this and think socialism will work
>small group of friends agree
>we all go to the same college in our state
>I'm the only one who picks a STEM major
>freshman year we all hang out and party, getting along well and sharing memes
>"fuck fat cats and their billions" yeah
>junior year I'm swamped with homework while working minimum wage job
>still thinking "fuck capitalism, fuck expensive college, the minimum wage should be higher"
>friends are working same kinds of jobs but have easier majors
>they keep making plans to hang out and invite me, I decline more and more because busy
>get an internship in the summer, actually pays well, cool
>senior year I basically have no time, the little free time I get I play vidya
>finally graduate
>get a 70k starting salary with benefits (my city's cost of living is low, rent is $500)
>job is less stressful than anything at school, I finally have money fuck yeah
>friends also graduated, still looking for jobs in their field (Psych, English, Film, History, Communications)
>all still working the same minimum wage jobs like in college
>first couple times we hang out since graduating I offer to buy drinks
>they appreciate it but still go on about "fuck capitalism"
>make a couple light-hearted jabs about me having a soulless job as a capitalist cog in the machine
>they talk about essential workers and how gorcery store workers should get the same as doctors and engineers for risking their lives
>slowly realize I no longer fully agree with them
>realize I worked hard to acquire a valuable skillset while they had it easy and studied meme majors
>realize how they pissed away their futures and only complain on the internet instead of working for something
>want to talk about how demand and supply works, don't say anything bc don't want to burn bridges
>hanging out with them less and less every day
Fuck commies

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>no that was just a corrupt version of communism we swear it's a utopia
fucking retard commies

>muh third position
It's just "private" business that's been approved by the government, AKA China. AKA socialism.

I doubt you've ever done either, so I don't think you can speak with any authority on the matter

who are you quoting

If anything they deserve it, maybe they'll change their tune once they've been told they won't be card carrying members of the party, but instead the first to go on the chopping block.
Buy guns and ammo, Americans, these twitter trannies won't stop pushing.

it's how communistfags respond to someone pointing out how fucked communist russia was


> I should be be fed with food nobody grows or harvests
already 90% automated
> get goods at stores where nobody works
>who ship them with carriers that don't employ anyone.
self driving cars are almost here
>And I should get it for free.
Capitalism has failed.
capitalism will set us free

But no one here said that. You just talked to yourself.

I'm grew up as a ruralfag, most farm work is done 'til there's still daylight.
It's not rocket science, you drive a tractor.

Actually, I just hate minorities and women

That's mostly because uneducated and poor people that can't afford to go to college buy into the myth that they can "work" their way out of poverty. Majority of people who "make" it started out with it made or got lucky, speaking as someone with a comfortable job and a small inheritance coming, and I only "earned" either by virtue of my circumstance. I can either convince myself i deserve it because of hard work or admit that people other than me work harder and deserve more than me but don't get it because the system is broken.

you have no idea how much work it is to maintain a farm do you
fucking retard

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This. You have to understand the difference between black people and niggers, just like the difference between gay men and faggots.

self driving cars are just a ploy to decrease people's autonomy.
EVs are bottom barrel garbage, but sanfran techies eat it up anyways because it's le cool just like my phone.

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I honestly can't think of a single political party or system of government for which I don't hold a great feeling of disdain. Organization is inherently dehumanizing.

>arguing semantics on mirconesian snuff-production forum

Reminder that the age of automation has only just begun
the less people you employ the more value you can contribute to the economy
That additional surplus value can be taxed more heavily and be used for the good of the people
Yes it sounds very idealist and it probably won't happen anytime soon
but it will make socialism work

socialism can't work on a global scale unless you kill off africa and half of asia.

cool conspiracy theory
let me know when they make regular cars illegal(will never happen)

>farming is easy now because of technology, that means it was always easy

I'm not arguing, I'm pointing out weird it is that he just made up a quote and then got mad at what he made up. It's weird.

This. Commies literally think flipping burgers is as valuable as advancing society. Now they made it so STEM is STEAM. They genuinely think modern art is on tier with physics and computer science.

you mean unless you kill everyone who disagrees with you

I imagine they'll change their tune when (and if) they become adults and the train of responsibilities crashes into them

Who said anything about a global scale?
subhumans can die for all I care
actually it would be far better if we could kill everyone under 120 IQ

it's already happening with all the downsizing and increases taxation, faggot.
Meep buying inferior technology at a premium, I bet you drive a Tesla.

he's number 1 for a reason

I'm an engineer and agree that STEM is the best you can do these days but like 70% of the world at least isn't cut out for it.

>rich kids with daddys money
>train of responsibilities crashes into them
Pick one

>DMCA'ing fucking tweets just to do damage control for that TLOU 2 trashfire

I swear you’re the same shitter who keeps getting triggered on every slightly political post hear. You have the exact same way of writing too. It’s literally a joke about commies. You’re over here getting mad on an Indian metalworking forum.

No I just hate corporatism, capitalism is based and gave me Pokémon games/cards in the first place.

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It's more about corporationism, the endless beauracracy and less jobs than people. I don't mind capitalism.

no I mean when you get rid of all the net negative undesireables.
Even commies had ethnic cleansings.
Why the fuck would I share my earnings when Apefricans do nothing but breed and get aids all day.

Bulbasaurs raped Kevin Nash in the steamy sweaty summer of 1992.

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Neither of those are true. Just look at Gravity Rush.

Automation was achieved via capitalism, you retard

you fucking retards
you are the problem
you are the reason this utopia will never come about
you fucking backwards retard
can't wait for eugenic engineering to remove you from the gene pool

guess it depends if daddy decides to cut them loose to pay for new mommy #11 then they see their future and kill themselves

quite common actually


I'll keep being retarded until you faggots stop poking at the common man for driving a diesel to work.
Go bully oil companies instead of the end user, faggot.


If it "sets us free" then it hasn't failed. That's a full blown contradiction.

net negatives are the only ones who ever advocate for socialism you brainlet

>retarded normies aren’t cut out for one of the easiest subjects in history
The lowest grade I’ve ever gotten in a science class was a C. It’s basic shit that babies could understand.

I can't change the system but I can call you a faggot on the internet
I meant to put a '>' in front of it