Animal Crossing

Post villagers and r8 villagers

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Thanks kind user, I hope you like the dog butt that I drew. Drawing using the thumbsticks aint easy.

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Thanks for the Qbert drawing user

I'm pissed, I gave away my mime weeaboo dog for a fucking rhino because I didn't realize the fuckers name was Marcel

anyone have good turnip prices

I like all my villagers.
The only thing that slightly bothers me is having 4 rabbit villagers.

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don't care for Phoebe at all

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>Have room for a new villager
>But I don't have a good idea what I want to fill in the spot
I hate this feeling so much.

is the golden toilet diy still being handed out by julia or did i miss out

Tex should still be crafting gold armor code is 23SW7

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just check /vg/ retard. There's always at least 1 person every 30 minutes with stupid high prices who isn't autistic like a reddit/discord and demand tips.

i'm fucking dogshit at math, is it better to buy the bell voucher or the miles ticket to sell for bells.

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He's gone, guys... I can't believe he's fucking dead... what the fuck... I'm literally crying right now.

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>finally caught my 3rd tuna for CJ
It's like endless ejaculation

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thanks for the turnip prices and recipes amigo

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It's easy when it rains, hee ho.

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What do you anons do with your trash?

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i need the fossilized poop to complete my collection. anyone want to trade?

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I haven't found any goddamn tuna. I give up. I'll try again in November.

why do all the sisterly villagers SUCK I'm almost ready to just double up on a third villager type like smug or snooty.

i make Raymond eat it


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Hasn't rained for weeks

That's a shame. Can Best Friends take/place fish?

Can someone tell me why I keep getting a random villager pushed on me every time someone moves out? I just want to visit islands to find some better villagers, but I never have any time before my empty lot is claimed by a rando

Hoard it.

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Got it by the way, thanks so much!!

I know that if you visit someone who has a villager that's moving out, they can move to your island if you have a slot open.

Huck is crafting a golden candlestick, and it's raining.
Please explore and give critiques, the place is a wip. I'll just be fishing for coelacanths.

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I don't think anyone can, which sucks more dick than all the gays in San Francisco.

Anybody have any of this shit? If you let me catalog/buy it off you that'd be fucking neato.

Does anyone have Leif selling hibiscus shrubs?

Just got my 10th, Audie on third trip which means I got over 25 tickets left to spend looking for others. Probably will replace one of my first 4 when they ask to leave even though I like them all, I'd like to not have any DIY houses eventually

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Villagers I have and villagers I want to come to my island at the bottom!

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I know Plucky is shit

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Fuck you.

Yo I have a spare ironwood dresser DIY

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For over three weeks I've been trying to get Rhonda to leave, but she won't get the message.

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Beau was my New Leaf buddy. I made him talk like Shaggy from Scooby Doo.

You already caught a Blue Marlin, right Yas Forums?

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Uhm, Nintendo?


fuck the clown.

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Hey all kind of new to this but my Phil is giving away a Golden Casket DIY, is anyone interested in that? I'll open up if so. My island is kind of a shit show though compared to most

I got Agnes in boxes, for anyone interested

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What tier list are you using?

I'll be catching one tomorrow morning, of course.

>Stop Tammy from leaving
>Start to not care about her at all


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I got my museum one and 3 for CJ

ah yessur

Caught everything there is to catch in March and April

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What bugs are leaving?

Please. I'll be there.

this is the third time he's visited me, it's awful. If I could replace Kicks with a second CJ I would in a heartbeat

I'd be interested.

What would you like for it?

Yes please