>splatoon 2 multiplayer demo starts for newfriends
>no thread
Download it friends, it’s free. Squid lolis.
>splatoon 2 multiplayer demo starts for newfriends
>no thread
Download it friends, it’s free. Squid lolis.
Made for KOKUJINs
I'm gonna....I"M GONNA WOOOM
is it still alive?
it's one of the most active online games on the system, so yes
Why does this game attract so many pedophiles?
After pouring about 8 hours into the demo, I can safely say this game is ass.
it's weird because the rule34 for it is so mediocre and usually more focused on the older looking octolings
> this game is ass.
and cunny, in spats
Have you unlocked ranked modes and salmon run yet?
nah game is fun you just suck at it
I love it and I’m not into lolis.
Nope, the game is ass
This game is fucking retarded, why can‘t i look up and down with the right analog stick if i turn on motion controls? What‘s the point?
The point is to use motion controls if you turn them on
There shouldn't be a complete restriction though. Also there's no dance or emote button after 5 years and that's mega gay
That's why we have Ninjala.
Yes, but why i can‘t i do both? I can still look left and right with motion controls on but not up and down. Why the restriction?
I thought this game was closed?
It takes some getting used to. Try tweaking the sensitivity some. I love the gyro and wish it was in other FPSs
Would you draw my woomy? teehee
depends, can you prove thats really you in the tweets?
Sendarum on twitter rides dragon dildos
because gyro for left and right sometimes doesn't cut it for ample rotations so they left the joystick option while up and down mouvement is generally shorter
Tell me I'm not crazy, jump was the X button on Wii U right? I press X at the worst time like it's muscle memory.
No? They stopped releasing splatfests but the game is still very active.
Is that a MacBook
oh, the shitposter comes to Yas Forums too.
that would look GREAT on a tshirt
Splatfests ended last year, but they brought them back
I really should give Splatoon 2 with gyro another chance. I'm not a fan of playing shooters with a controller but I just couldn't get used to it when I first bought the game
does she really?
Why the fuck are you even thinking of the word Pedo? No norm personal will look at the game and think that in the first place. Go check yourself.
>get into a game
>6 out of 8 players are all under level 5
>They're all using splattershot jr.
>proceed to destroy with my Kensa Dynamo roller
Honestly I just felt kinda bad.
Yeah, fuck this and fuck you.
>Clearly started playing the game
>Load up into Turf Wars
>3 level 50's and a person who's higher than level 10
I thought there would be SBMM in this shit.
>implying I have a switch
>implying nintendo didn't lose their touch
>implying I will pay for switch + loli squids + online after the week trial
no dude
nintendo has been dead for decades
me as the level 3 getting demolished
still fun tho
>level 10 already
Is this game worth buying or better wait for Splatoon 3?
Fluffy squid butt!
I only want to play the singleplayer which is 80 fucking bucks in total.
>Green nipples and vagina
>Think they would taste like lemon-lime kool aid
Considering the world of Splatoon, that's probably canon.
>squid kids
>tight bike shorts, wide hips and asses
>covering other squid kids with your sticky, slimy fluids until they explode
Nigga you just unlocked ranked. It’s just begun for you.
You got a while to play the other modes, just decide later. I doubt we’ll see 3 until the next console.
it's definitely worth it, alone with octo expansion. i doubt splatoon 3 will be on the same console so it'll be a while.
IMO, after playing the demo, this ain't worth the 40 bucks or the 60 next week. Especially when Splatoonfags will be on Ninjala next month.
The splatoon "fandom" is super weird. Both on youtube and twitter, there's a ton of kids(well more 12-14 year olds) all worshiping a few adult youtubers who're in their 30 and shit. and shocker one of them was a pedo who was trying to hook up with his fans.
Ehh, I'd say wait until we see if Splatfests are fully coming back instead of just a one-off. If they are coming back then go for it.
after pouring about 8 gallons in the ass, I can safely say this game is ___
I’ve been on the fence about this game for a while now because of how old it is and fear the community won’t be active for much longer...but goddamn is the demo fun. Should I buy it?
He comes here since the general is pretty much dead and he's bored of it
Splatoon 1 community stayed alive for quite a while until 2 launched, and I imagine with demo there'll be a surge of new players.
And if you never played the first one, you should get enjoyment out of single player too. Octo Expansion is also absolutely awesome.
I personally wouldn't especially after Splatfests ended(There's supposedly one coming back, but we don't know if it's just a one time thing or IF they're going to re run every Splatfest) but if YOU had fun, then go for it.
>not recognizing JTVeemo's eyes
Lmao. I don’t play bargain bin knockoffs. Life’s too short
I think you should. The first Splatoon on Wii U is still active. But decide for yourself and keep playing for now. You got a while.