Press the same button repeatedly while watching two dykes kick eachother's asses

>Press the same button repeatedly while watching two dykes kick eachother's asses

The current state of western gaming

Attached: 1588276600073.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

the more i see of abby the more my dick tickles at the sight of her

>final fight, Abby v Ellie
>put down controller and do nothing
>get best ending

Attached: 1588273204521.webm (1920x1014, 1.63M)


you might be gay.
whens the last time you sucked cock?

>A strange game; the only winning move is not to play

Attached: last of us 2 lyric shitposting.png (1896x7600, 2.71M)

> Press X to lose the fight
Why does NUghty dog believe this is fun?

Ngl, that last punch was pretty Cool, fucking yeeted ellie

based and gunpilled

Attached: whoooo.gif (267x200, 746.58K)

Fucking what?

>Press *square* to avoid getting raped
Is this a Swedish game?

if it was a swedish game pressing x would be illegal

>Why does NUghty dog believe this is fun?
fuck off back to soitendo and your babie games

Attached: WAVORLL.gif (326x183, 1.95M)

square i mean

finally something the fans can actually enjoy

that fucking vocaroo is god tier

>stabbing her leg instead of her fucking side or ribcage
what the fuck

So what happens if you fail all the QTEs? Does she just beat the shit out of ellie anyway?


Looks from like she gets a copkiller to the face

Explain who these literally who's are

Except Abby is heterosexual and built like a tank compared to the ugly, lanky, dyke ellie.

that's way too quick and painless

This is the greatest thing to have happened in this shithole for quite some time. Thanks Fuckmann.

Naughty dog is going to end up on the list with Tomb Raider 2016 and RE3 devs for these death animations aren't they?

>Ellie gets into a fight with someone physically stronger and larger than her, David the cannibal, so she uses her wits to sneak around and use guerrilla tactics and smarts to slowly take him down.
>Ellie gets into a fight with someone physically stronger and larger than her, Abby the baboon, so she stands out clearly in the open wandering around like a retard.

You have to love how they made Ellie look extra helpless and pathetic here. A girl who spends her days killing people wouldn't fucking hesitate to either draw the knife immediately or ram her thumbs in Dick Splittem's eyes. No instead we have to watch her pat at her aggressor's face for nearly twenty fucking seconds before Ellie grabs her knife.

Who is ellie who is Abby who is the protagonist and who is the antagonist

Explain this nexflix show to me.

This isn't a video game. Its a interactive movie. Wtf, this should be on Yas Forums.

How they should have gone about this mess:

>Don't advertise Joel and Ellie at all. Focus on new group with initial trailers
>Play as them from the beginning
>Get to know and bond with this new cast of characters.
>They get fucked over. Joel and Ellie are revealed responsible for one reason or another
>Now you are torn because you like all the characters and can sympathize with them easier.
>Now you are potentially iffy on how this resolution plays out. Heck you could feasibly do the POV switch here and go back to Joel and Ellie so now you get insight on WHY they fucked over this new group you bonded with and you are more open to playing as them as you have potentially played an entire game with these characters before

What kind of people played this over the top pretentious sentimental bullshit anyways

Joel is the main character of the first game. Ellie is the teenage girl he protects and takes in as a replacement for his dead daughter who was around the same age when she died. She's AI controlled outside of one segment of the game where you play as her, along with the DLC.
In the sequel you play as Ellie, but Abby the Bull Dyke kills Joel and then at some point you switch to controlling Abby for the rest of the game and beat Ellie half to death at the end of the game.

People would still be upset by the conclusion but this is much better. Also redesign Abby and the other members of the new group to look less disgusting

So the MCs of the previous games die at the end? A bit of a dickish move from the devs.

>mfw phone rewrites MC as BBC
What did it mean by this?



Ellie is one of the protagonists from the first game, along with Joel.
Abby is a literal who, who comes out of nowhere in the 2nd game to force a dumb message of "killing is wrong"/"what if the people you killed have families??????" and brutishly murders Joel while forcing Ellie to watch. She's your protagonist for this game, and the "good guy".

Ellie just seems dumber in general in the sequel

Only Joel dies. Ellie just gets the absolute shit kicked out of her but survives. Think Empire Strikes Back only not good.

so are you telling me the director doesn't have a hard on for beating women?

MTF can't be lesbian.

Isn't fortnite the current state of western gaming?

Attached: Fortnite.jpg (600x800, 109.85K)

Why do you think they transition, they think they have better chances with lesbians than straight women