Game about zombies

>game about zombies
>spoilers doesn't mention them at all

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I'm disappointed too, but apparently noone cares since you can just shitpost about trannies and lesbians.

has a single zombie even been shown in apl of the teasers for TLOU2

in the late 2000s/early 2010s the walking dead popularized muh "humans are the real monsters" zombie horror where the zombies are like 10% of the conflict and everything else is just a human centered survival soap opera. similar to how the dark knight popularized "serious" cape shit around the same time. neither zombies nor capeshit has ever recovered from this trend towards "seriousness"

I haven't even seen one. You would figure this would be an opportunity its to show off some new designs and enemies. As far as anyone knows they are not in the game whatsoever.

yeah night of the living dead had no themes of human vs human due to racial tension

compare the amount of screen time zombies get in notld to twd

are you dumb?
most of the earliest zombie movies have revolved around that same theme

i'm not arguing that there may be more of a focus today, but it has always been a core concept of zombie media.

TLoU was never about zombies, and if you think it was you're pretty damn stupid.

i agree with you but he did say popularize it which if you ask fuck today if they've even seen night of the living dead they'd say "wut"

There was a clicker in the clip where Joel and Ellie argue about the ending to the first game but that's the only one I've seen

i'm still interested about the clickers though. i know the zombies are just a framing device but they're still part of the world and i still want to see some frail focus on them. i mean the entire reason joel killed abby's dad is for a cure FOR the fucking mushroom heads. they're half the reason this shit is happening at all

sorry user, just because you're a zoomer who grew up in that time period doesn't make any of what you said true. the "humans are the real monsters" trope has been glued to zombies since they were a thing in fiction. unless you'd prefer haitian voodoo zombies, which is the source material.

White men are worst than zombies

no. pre 2010 zombie films were zombie films with themes of human drama, post 2010 zombie films are drama films with zombie themes. compare even the last major zombie film before twd, 28 days later, to anything afterward. the difference is immediately apparent

>28 days later
>a movie where they almost comically sic the zombies as weapons on their human military captors to escape

Druckmann doesn't want to be writing game stories, he wants movie dramas but isn't good enough, so like many such game writers just bitterly shoves his 4/10 derivative tv drama in a game world as a the vehicle.

Uncharted 4 was half family drama half mid life crisis story just slapped on top of an Uncharted game. TLOU 2 is just some incredibly bare bones 'revenge is bad' story slapped on top of a post apocalyptic world. Neither integrated the setting into the story in any vital way.

yes? u arent arguing against me. 28 days later puts the focus on zombies in nearly every scene. its nothing like twd or tlou

But user, the real monsters were US the whole time! Get it! It's not the zombie-things, but people that are terrible! PEOPLE ARE THE MONSTERS, OP!

So this makes it ok to omit them completely? They were the most interesting part of TLOU.

rent free

>they're half the reason this shit is happening at all
user, they're all the reason this shit is happening. They're literally the cataclysm all of society and every character in the game is responding to.

But no, gonna have a contrived revenge plot instead.

Yeah and The Walking Dead is about zombies too
And Game of Thrones about the Prophecies and the white d00ds

Confirmed HBObabby that has no clue what he's talking about.

There are infected in the game. There's a new type called the shambler which seems like a bloater variant. Stalkers seem to have been changed a bit too so they're actually distinguishable from the first stage infected

>TLoU was never about zombies
Its biggest weakness to be frank. The zombies had more enemy variety than cannibal posse.

>humans are the real monster
That is a trope older than you, Zoomie.


>designing new gameplay

mutants technically

zombies are undead dregs
clickers are humans mutated by a fungal infection

entirely differen't class of monster

>25 years after the apocalypse
>The zombies are still walking around like it's been 6 months
>The first game established clearly the lifecycle of the infection

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As if the first game was about them either, faggot.

there more of a las-plagas parasite, but fungal based. they're a weird amalgamation of tropes which is why i genuinely liked the first game. average story but the world itself and the enemy concepts were genuinely interesting. now the story is not just worst but apparently the entire world doesn't even exist outside the retarded conflict


lol zombie shit has almost never actually been about zombies, it's all about human drama

Because it's not a game. Interactive cutscenes from a hack who doesnt want to make video games but crap movies that belong on crackle.
Same with kojima.
But neither do because their ideas are objectively shit and would get laughed out of hollywood, if it werent for their status.
Fact, if kojima made a movie completely under the radar by proxy and absolutely no one knew it was his it would not be praised. It would come out and be schlock.

>hurr durr man is the real monster
This shit is more cliche than the actual zombies at this point.

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>game has cool iconic monster
>completely dismiss it because muh story
I really wouldnt mind Naughty dog pulling something out their ass to explain it desu

It's almost like The Last of Us came out during the big zombie media boom. Now nobody cares about zombies anymore.

>"humans are the real monsters"

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lol no it hasnt

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They haven't gone away there's leaked footage of fighting them

There were some in this trailer

Only for a split second, but still there

to be fair, kojima games have usually been extremely innovative gameplay wise. metal gear solid 1&2&3 are awesome gameplay, cool mechanics and innovation combined with lots of long cutscenes, where parts of it are fucking brilliant and parts of it are just westaboo crap

>one of the most highly acclaimed zombie series does just that
>people are asking for a part 3 to this day
I know you don't know which movie, because you're a zoomie;what is 23 days/weeks later?

Cuckman would rather turn a schlock zombie game into a 2deep4u woke political commentary instead of making a separate game about that bullshit and letting the zombie game be a zombie game, basically he's a hack

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>zombie apocalypse happens
>survivors are poorly connected homosexuals, hippies, druggie bandits with zero birth rate instead of hyper conservative nuclear family networks like the Cossacks, minutemen, Amish/Mennonites ,with quadrupled the average human birth rate

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Umm no sweaty

Shut the fuck up, transex dog fucker.

In an apocalypse a luxury like faggotry wouldn't be allowed

Here's the difference for all you retarded fags going "Hurr it's always been about humans are the monsters."

The focus of older zombie media was humans dealing with zombies, and interpersonal conflicts that arise from it. Even with character conflict, it was always driven by the zombie threat.
Take Night of the Living Dead for the easiest example. Most of the drama is among the group of humans, but there is an ever present threat of zombies, and the conflict is centered around their opposing ideas on how to deal with the threat. Nobody in the film is going "Haha now is the time to push my religious fundamentalism! Haha there are no laws lets make a slavery rape gang!" Humans are in conflict with each other, but ultimately humans are not the antagonist, it's the zombies pushing humans to extremes.

Modern media basically uses zombies as a mcguffin to put the world into a lawless state, and then focuses on character drama. There's a vast difference between these two methods of storytelling.

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The thing is I don't buy that shit for a second.
Humanity has shown time and time again to unite against a common enemy. This " yeah lets just do all the work for the zombies and kill each other" garbage makes no sense.
It just feels like some edgelord projecting asspull.

At the very worst people would enslave one another, but killing someone just because, is extremely wasteful and illogical.