Why does Yas Forums suddenly hate games with physically strong women?

Why does Yas Forums suddenly hate games with physically strong women?

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>physically strong women
there is no such thing

They’re gay
like this guy

It’s ok when Japan does it

a woman can be physically strong but she will never be as strong as a man.
the obvious and blatant propaganda plaguing games and movies would have you think otherwise.
that being said, i love myself a beefy woman who still has her femininity.

Its gross.

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It's only good when Japan does it

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is tea good for you?

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go back

>never be as strong as a man
You underestimate just how soft men can be. I immediately think of that skinny, tattooed basedboy image. You kniw the one.

What is even the appeal of traditional body types?
some disgusting flabby chest bags?
the disgusting fat ass?
no thanks I'll stick with muh superior muscle girls

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We don't.

We hate bad games and ugly people, which is a bit different.

Also have you seen strong women? They tend to look good or at the very least "yea, that's not my cup of tea, but I see why some people may like it" (unless they are roided as fuck).

Fat people say the funniest things. I wonder if they all jiggled while they typed.


Not even personally that into buff girls but that's some coward shit.

It comes down to form vs. function.

That basedboy is a actually a FtM tranny

>I want my girlfriend to be fit
>and boyish
>and have attitude problems
You want a man. Sorry.

This is as far as anyone should go

/sexarms/ thats all

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Yas Forums cock is tasty


One day my brother. Stay strong.

>liking normal women like a normal person
>superimposing masculine traits onto women because you love men so much

These threads are not good for me

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>wrong AND shit taste
sucks to be you

Hello retard. This is a musclefu board. We like strong women (shaped like women). Not trannies (shaped like men because they're men).

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Again, no one hate games with strong females, we hate games with UGLY female characters.

Yas Forums is so sexually perverse that they have an actually hatred towards anything they don't find attractive.

I've never liked visible abs on girls personally. That said, there's still a canyon sized gap between the what you posted in musculature + proportions and Abby.

is it tomboy time

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Got source? I just get "twitch pit girl".

armpits looks so delicious on a muscular woman

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Its too late for me to find her. All too late. My life was a waste.

Correct physically strong woman:
>Is female
>Is strong
Bad physically strong woman:

Modern western devs can't do it correctly. They ALWAYS end up doing the latter, which is just bad. We're too fucking stuck on worrying about inclusion or whatever dumb flavor term it is now, rather than just making a good character that happens to have this or that as a trait.

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Thats some next level autism.

Armpits, you say. Hm...

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