>Losing girl is the best girl
>Devs realized this and shills her hard.
A-are we gonna have a chance, Meliabros ???
Losing girl is the best girl
>shills her hard
>most of what's shown of her is for the purposes of Future Connected
>Tyrea shows up again
She's going to go full incest lesbo
I still just can't wait to see what losing best girl they make for XB3. It just wouldn't be right if they didn't have another one.
I think they need to cut that shit out and have an actually interesting protag for once, one that picks the best girl.
Predict impending tragedies to Melia in Future Connected
>Alcamoth is destroyed during the events of Future Connected
>the remaining High Entia prefer Tyrea as her rule as she spent last year fighting to protect them while Melia was elsewhere doing nothing
>Fiora is pregnant with twins Shulk tells Melia they'll call them Kallian and Sorean
Takahashi likes that thing.
Yes, fuck Fiora
>Shulk's crew and Rex's crew meet up
>Scene where Nia and Melia bond
>New girl with a name ending in -ia appears alongside the new protagonist
It's either going to be a fish or reptile girl.
I know Shulk will.
>New girl with a name ending in -ia appears alongside the new protagonist
Shoutouts to Galea
Melia can't compete with dat booty.
Leave that to Shulk.
To be fair her name in japanese is Galatea, but like Nia and Melia it ends with the "ア" character.
Always seemed weird that you couldn't continue the romance with Melia after all she and Shulk had for the 1/3 of the game they were togeather before Fiora came back.
Like she just gets cucked into oblivion and the player has to accept his love for Fiora was THAT strong despite us only interacting with her for an hour in the prologue. A pre-existing love we're told about, not shown outside of Shulk's breakdown when she "dies"
I guess that's kind of what causes the player to get hit with it so hard. To the player, Fiora is a plot device to force Shulk into his adventure.
To Shulk's character, she's the person he always loved and her death was devastating to him. It's only natural that the player will have far greater attachment to Melia and Fiora.
Rex on the other hand, he's just a faggot.
>"You're a great friend Melia"
Fiora is literally perfect and then she becomes more perfect when they make her a robot, granny bird bitch cant compete.
I suppose Tyrea will be getting more fanart if she shows up in FC.
Everyone knows Sharla is best girl.
God i hope Melia will completely break in the epilogue and do whatever she wants with Shulk.
Finally, glad to see someone has taste around here
Steam release when?
Ask Nintendo.
Whenever Yuzu or Ryujinx were capable to emulate Xenoblade 2 with Mid range PCs.
Shulk set out on revenge to avenge Fiora's death on the first place, not long after he and the others meet Melia they find out Fiora is still alive.
Shut up Gadolt.
Similar problem to Heaven's Feel in HF. Sakura gets WAY less relationship building moments with Shirou than the other heroines did because he already loved her. We're told, not shown.
SFM of her will be fucking delicious
>in HF
Meant in F/SN
Funnily enough that image came from Monado Archives on the short story section, when Shulk finds the location of the High Entia restoration chamber, Melia was going to scold Shulk because she thought Shulk was caring enough about Fiora, when in reality Shulk couldn't get any sleep thinking on how to get any information where the thing was.
Preexisting relationships are a recipe for bad romance writing.