Why are western devs obsessed with androgynizing and desexualizing women's bodies at the same time that they proudly...

Why are western devs obsessed with androgynizing and desexualizing women's bodies at the same time that they proudly fill their games with depictions of sexual relationships?

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because they are fags lmao

Her nose is fucking huge goddamn. She cute tho

God she makes me vomit

>bigger shoulders
>smaller boobs
why is this allowed?

me too but it's dickmilk from my penis

Because feminism states hat the only way women can be equal is if they're all ugly.

she's so fucking cute bros

Oh look, it’s this thread again.

designing attractive women is transphobic

Because they're literally pandering to the tranny crown

Right looks like a genuinely non standard beauty
left looks like a 14 year old fat Pakistani boy

uh bro did you mean crowd

yeah fucking typos

>yfw when you could have had a big tiddy minority girl while but trannies strike again

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FUCK bros I just want to touch nose tips with that snoz

lol no she isnt. clean your room faggot

It's an American thing really.

who is the model? asking for a friend

>Why are western devs obsessed with androgynizing and desexualizing women's bodies at the same time that they proudly fill their games with depictions of sexual relationships?

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The trans obsess over anime girls with tiny wastes and huge tits. This is all still Sarkeesian's influence. Or have people really forgotten?

Actually it's an eastern europe thing

Because ugly women hate more attractive women.

If you want to fuck girls then go out and fuck them. Stop playing video games to coom, you pathetic cunt. You are never going to replace the feeling of actually pumping a beautiful girl full of your cum and have her say she loves you with a video game.

>Surely someone is stupid enough to believe that my cherry-picked image is any kind of credible evidence!

All of these people are western.

>Why are western devs obsessed with androgynizing and desexualizing women's bodies at the same time that they proudly fill their games with depictions of sexual relationships?.

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Fellow white isn't western.

If people culd have sex we wouldn't have Yas Forums

So once again anerman is the enemy?

>actually pumping a beautiful girl full of your cum and have her say she loves you
This is something that only happens in fantasy.

The point is that it isn't trans people that want manly women. Trans people are the ones who want to be big tit hentai sluts.

Yes, trannies look like trannies. But the trannies don't WANT to look like trannies. They want to be sexy, beautiful women so why is it apparently THEIR fault that games have manly trannies? If they had their way, the games would all have turbo slut semen demons.

unironicly not to upset trannies who would feel disphoric by looking at beautiful feminine women

Maybe in big population centers and huge cities. In the midwest, this is normal and commonplace among teenagers.

Trannies would get asshurt if they saw a natural female that looks good.

Because for some reason they think men who like big tits don't think woman are people, and thus have made it their imperative to remind you that women are indeed people.
However, making all women in games big nosed bull dykes will probably just have the opposite effect.

Were there more coomers/incels in the 1980s when America was much more comfortable with titillation and sex appeal in movies and video games?

Trannies are the ones who want to look like perfect anime girls, though. They don't give a fuck about looking at beautiful women.