everything in this screenshot looks like ass
excellent taste
Potato pc sorry, I'm poor
Miqo'te>Viera>Lalafell>Au Ra>Midlander>Roegadyn>Highlander>insane power gap>Elezen
This is the absolute female tier list, no arguing.
>miqo'te first
Absolute pleb.
the game has no lightning and the textures look like shit
i hate that the viera have no fucking asses unless you wear the racial pants
Always and forever, baby. Can't beat the catgirls.
Well neither does anyone.
Yukes and Lilties when.
no female in this game have a great butt, sadly look at aura or miqote, flat butts everywhere
Cute brown femroes and pure white ones are the absolute best!
I saw some good gray ones but it helped that they basically looked like giant Drows with white hair.
i was a neko but since i was a femroe my life has drastically improved you should try
I was a Roegadyn and switched to Miqo'te and had the same improvement.
then it was our destiny see you in game where i can pat you
Thank you user, I love pets.
Yeah, literally this but bigger is better
Femroes with their... Gumby physique and their Michael Cera faces.. Mmm, mm.
christ this game is ugly
your mom is ugly
>it's another Femroes scream for attention episode
What else is new?
Didn't ffxiv stop supporting consoles? Or did I misunderstand. Was hoping the game would improve somewhat.
For once I'd just like to see a femroe that wasn't half-naked and completely stacked. Like, are all femroe players that insecure?
Just dropped PS3 support.
only ps3
>Decided to do the Heavensward Relic Quest since I never done it
>Few hours later reached the Hyperconductive Anima Weapons
It's really not so bad.
So far it's mostly a poetic grind which you get more then enough from doing every roulette for a few days.
Does it become a real soul crushing grind later on?
Hey qts