Female version gets a 30cm statue

>Female version gets a 30cm statue
>Male version gets a measly 5cm statue


Attached: file.png (1800x1012, 3.9M)

Other urls found in this thread:


>female version
could you post it?

THAT is considered female?

Attached: file.png (282x229, 147.22K)

>a female figurine
>a male somewhat accurate statuette.
read the fucking picture you posted you goof.

Yeah sure
It looks like some 80 year transvestite potato face.

sjw propaganda at it's finest

Why would you want a statue of another male in your house?

>Wanting to buy overpriced toys

Attached: 1586392362753.png (500x507, 105.04K)


This is the future......All western games' females look like men....and it's beautiful

im surprised there's not an african version

Don't defend this SJW pandering, faggot. The man should have gotten the 30cm big figurine. It's not even a good female, at least the female option in Odyssey was pretty fucking hot and Bayak's wife in Origins was pretty hot as well.

Why would you want a statue of another female in your house? Frankly that's just as embarrassing to me, especially if you're a grown man.

Here's your female, bro.

Attached: 506fc94ft9098b443d336690.jpg (620x802, 75.23K)


Not even a gameplay release yet and they are already trying to scam twats out of their money.

There were female vikings?

>women were vikings
It's so tiresome. It's all just so tiresome.

>yellow skin
they want the fin mongol audience

More like trying to convince people not to buy their game.

Imagine the smell haha

googling for 3 minutes brought me this.

So this game is about her?


>buying man-child toys
absolutely pathetic

Gotta make sure the trannies and feminists feel included! Gotta have the option to play a woman and be a STRONG INDEPENDENT WOMAN THAT DON'T NEED NO MAN!


At least the woman was hot.

Coomers have a lot of disposable income user-Kun ~

watch Yas Forums still buy this stupid shit
this board is ridiculous

>That conclusion has been disputed as premature by some archaeologists and historians

and nothing will change unless certain people die.

how many people that complained about the KANGZ game being pandering shit are going to buy this saying that it isn't also pandering shit without a single trace of irony.

Attached: 1548365720759.jpg (640x295, 65.11K)

Why would you assume so? The focus of the art and the trailer seem to show a focus of male protogonist.


I will now buy your game

>Buys toys


Not him but obviously it focuses on the man because 90% of people are going to play the male because the male obviously looks 10x better than the female plus who wants to play as a female viking.

The only reason people played Kassandra in Odyssey was because she is hot and COOMERS. That won't happen in this game.

and it has been twice proven female by DNA testing.

>tfw no 30 cm giantess gf

>he doesn't own a statue of his favorite video game

Attached: 1587953482441.jpg (3096x5504, 1.75M)

>being a gamer in 2020

That's a big statue, goddamn. How much did that cost?

Nice western woman edition you got there baguette

Now feast your eyes on this very based collector edition of an actual good game

Attached: destroy_all_humans_dna_collector_s_edition_-_pc.jpg (1500x844, 246.95K)


I really hope this game doesn't suck cock

holyshit that looks good, not a thousand dollars from a ebay scalper good but it's damn good