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God, Ruby is adorable. Made for dickings

by burly black bvlls

the moment blazblue died

Redpill me on RWBY.

>was decent
>main animator and idea guy died
>is shit now

Volume 1 to 3 are amaying, 4 bad, 5 not even worth watching, 6 good with lore, 7 weaker than 6 but better than 5. ALSO Ruby best and cutest girl. ALSO my wife don't look at her or talk with her.

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When you saw it when it was new, it was ok. When you look back today you realize how garbage it was. When you see the new shit you are braindead retarded.

Cute idea in a "diet blazblue aesthetic" kind of way, but I immediately lost the tiniest shred of care when the fight animator died.

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LITERALLY a jlullaby character

>penny dies only to be brought back 4 volumes later
>Roman dies for literally no reason
>Adam dies to two lesbians
>Villains always lose, all the interesting ones die
Everything before Romans death is peak RWBY and everything after is Rooster shit

I'll date your daughter.

It's awful. Absolutely abysmal. Trust nobody who likes it.

more like made for dicklings

>watching anime made by wh*toids

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so weebs still cry and any hit of this show

it must suck to hate a show because of some retards youtube channel

>the show is bad
>muh edgelord got killed

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The only people who like it are the people still high off the initial "Finally, a show from the west that looks like a real anime!" feeling.
That, and its shallow-but-flashy fight choreography are all it's got going for it.

A series that used to be below average, but still watchable. Now it's worse.

Take the blue pill

Sort of comfy show with a neat premise for a world, with interesting weapons, powers, enemies, and very good character art design. However this was bundled with kind of bad writing and some boring characters (beyond visuals).

Then the main guy died and the shows writing went to dogshit and went down the route of trying to make it some grand edgy plot instead of the comfy thing it had going on that people liked. Tumblr faggots became obessed and shilled two characters who are friends as lesbians and the writing have partially gone with/baited it more. Last season ended with 'wow dude bet you werent expecting that that measn its epic'. Its kind of wasted potential but if you make criticisms the immediate response is 'You didnt KNOW Monty, so you CANT KNOW how the story should be' as if its meant to be shit on purpose.

tldr its a nice idea that had potential but has been squandered with roosterteeth but its fun to watch for the memes on Yas Forums and visually its quite nice so it blended into a fighting game.

Monty Oum wanted to make a show about cool transforming weapons wielded by anime girls. He made some cool fights with zero budget, and then he died. Show's been shit ever since episode 1 of volume 1

>read that Manifesto by one of Monty's closest friends about how Roosterteeth has been constantly rearing heads with him and upon his death, are more than happy to milk RWBY dry for as long as they can while removing any and all references to Monty from the show, including his wife who probably was the only person who knew what Monty wanted for the show.
Man, fuck Roosterteeth.

>Then the main guy died
the main bad guy is still alive you retard and how is this show edgy all they are doing is trying to take down bad guys of people dying is edgy for you seek some help

Jannie decided to block IP range from images so couldnt post this in the last post whcih is basically RT:

Fuck you Jannie

why is it every time i sime somebody on here saying the show is bad it always boils down to it's not how i wanted the show to go how i wanted and jerking off that adam character that nobody liked

only vol 3 is tolerable and it will never be that good ever again
decent world building gone to absolute shit with bad pacing and not enough fighting for an action show. the intro and finales are jam packed, but the middle fucking drags and they LIKE to reuse this bad formula.
the relationship drama they are writing sucks, and theres identity politics about humans with spliced animal parts who are basically serve as the blacks/mexicans token while actual skin tone doesnt matter. bad villains too
the show is mostly faction drama like young justice season 3, so its about that poor quality for frame of reference, but a little bit better than steven universe which is the worst. rwby is cringe,

im directly responsible for pic related and its the only thing I will ever contribute to this fandom

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I watched the show unspoiled way later than most, dont know whose channel you speak of, and I still think the show is dog shit

chinks are finally getting better at cute anime girls fighting in 3D programs so even that part of the appeal is eroding.

>only vol 3 is tolerable and it will never be that good ever again
4 is fine 5 is bad 6 and 7 are good i dont know why guys like you want to hate it so bad but i think i know main characters win fights we can't have that can we

Everything in this post is right, especially about the pacing. What even happened between Volumes 4 and 5?

>t-t-t-the show is dog shit
what more shit you are going to cry about you ship not happining

I mean Monty you thick cunt, the main project lead. It became edgy as it suddenly became this grand plot and all the characters have to be sort of sad. Blake while nice visually is a terribly written 'woe is me'. Yang suddenly turns into a different character completely in most scenes because 'muh ptsd from missing arm' and its framed as character development when it really doesnt mesh with how she was and should be. Ruby has been made inot the generic shoenen protag which is fine and expected, but shes become some shit spout 'muh grown ups are shit, world is shit, Ill fix it'. Qrow exists merely to be the shit adult figure mentioned before, it is beleievable pessimism but is overplayed to a dumb extent to be 'wew edgy xd' especially the shit fight with clover in S7.

Its not edgy to have death etc. and consequences and theres nothing wrong from moving from a smaller plot to a bigger one, but fuck me is it badly written. Bad shit happens due to the charactwers being made to act retarded, arbitrary bad shit randomly happens to show 'character growth' when none really happens. And characters get wasted to be edgy shit. Look at Cinder, a shit character that barely anyone likes and is edge incarnate but in the cringe way. then you have Adam a character that was the acceptable anime edge that went to the cringe side due to shit writing.

The shit writing lets it down and makes some things come off as boring edge, its bad when only one of the main cast is actually well written (Weiss), luckily the cunts have sort of realised this and have semi decent antagonists with Ironwood and Salem after she's got off her ass.

they walked to mistral alot and fought tyrian and a horse. its mostly what the characters do while separated (not a whole lot). we got a slight hint at the gods back story and relics but no actual solid info. we get to see cinder slowly recovering and do nothing.
we learn about oz a little but not a lot, the dean is a traitor, qrow and raven can be birds sometimes because oz magic, jaune semblance reveal, some bad fighting, heroes leave with the relic. raven is neutral-chaotic and the spring maiden

>6 good
Its really not, first 3 episodes are ok, middle ranges from meh to good, the town stuff is boring but sort of acceptable. The whole fight for the last few episodes is shit, the only good bit is the fight with Yang&Blake vs Adam as its nicely animated but the dialogue is shit and the reasoning is shit as it shows yet another wasted character.

>It became edgy as it suddenly became this grand plot and all the characters have to be sort of sad
what the hell are you even talking about they make jokes most of the time have you seen the show or just going off what some random told you

She sounded fucking drunk in that trailer


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its a adam retard fuck off kid

in what kind of world do people thing rwby is edgy

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Written by the kind of people that prefer SAO to Bebop

ive never heard anyone call this show edgy
adam was mildly edgy to start with, they they took a big fat shit on his character and killed him

>a guy sad he likes sao so that mans he does not like Bebop

i think you might be retarded

the same world where people STILL watch RWBY

Didnt read lol :^)

Watched some after cross tag was announced so I know what I'd be playing against.
It's nothing special if you have even the slightest experience with anime or anime-adjacent media. If you're not 12 or not already really into it, you probably won't find any fucks to give aside from who you want to stick your dick in.
I liked that fashion bitch with the chaingun purse.

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I watched it but the serious moments are sometimes just angst and edge drama outside of the blatant happy scenes that are in the show. For example how Yang reacts to the Ozpin truth is retarded and is basically 'fuck we need a blatant full on angry reaction from one of the chartacters'. Then in S7 which is mostly good suddenly Ironwood goes full batshit insane over somethign way out of proportion to create another problem. Its ok writing but edge, how the team react is retarded and is a weird blend of edge and noblebright shit.

Overall user the characters are all like 'fuck the world is gonna end fuck fuck fuck fuck' in their heads and talk about it a lot to no end even beyond plot relevance with stuff being written in to further this despite the poor pacing or reasoning. Im denying it has its happy cutesy anime moments

Wasted potential.
It can actually beat Animes / the next TLA if they put an effort into it.

6 and 7 ares till fine and good you crying like retards because you guy got killed wont change that and why do retards keep getting mad that the main characters win fights

I thought he was a shit character before , but they made him even more shit.
Cope faggot