ITT Gamer dialogue

ITT Gamer dialogue.

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Post the one where the smoking red haired hottie with scars talks about how good the burning Jews smelled

>"The main appeal of visual novels isn't the gameplay, but the writing."

How do you feel about Snake?

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But there is none

Um, sweetie, tapping space for thirty minutes then selecting an option IS the gameplay.

now that the dust has settled, who was better Nasu or Masada?

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traceu onu

Unironically how an ultra-beta thinks a alpha-chad thinks.

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Ren is an extreme autist, so him thinking that way makes sense.

Sakurai Kei is STILL a recurring character in my dreams, long after I finished DI. Explain this, Yas Forums.

She wants you to create her as a tulpa, you ungrateful brat.

God damn now I want some kind of vn that does something like this. The only way you could get it to work is if you played it straight for like 80% of the game and slowly made the protagonist realize that everyone around them is fucking insane.


I already have one and she enjoyed DI far more than me, because it featured so many males she finds attractive.

kino thread?

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Dies Irae is extremely pretentious. Perfect for Yas Forums.

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I will now read your game.

that pic is not an edit though
The entirety of DI is written in such a way that it's impossible to know if the writer was actually pretending to be retarded or was actually retarded and thought it was good

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Madara is better at making funny bullshit
Nasu just makes bizarre bullshit

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remember haguro from wolf guy spending 20 chapters raping the protagonist's girlfriend? now THAT was kino

DI writer is on 7 layers of irony

Wait, that's not an edit? That's incredible. The whole "pretending to be retarded"/"actually retarded" dichotomy is fascinating for me, since it's really hard to get a good balance. Tails gets trolled does a good job I think.

No, why would people make edits

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You can't make this shit up

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Yep, the pic is an actual line of dialogue
Shirou is basically a character with every thing the writer considered "rad" crammed together to the point you can't even tell if he was actually trying too hard or was intentionally making him absolutely silly

Dies Irae isn't called the king of chuuni for nothing
I can't think of a more chuuni VN if I tried

>you will never read Dies Irae for first time

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The Rea route satisfied my desire for chuuni like nothing else ever has

Mercurius is character who love the sound of his voice. His verboseness is part of show. One of the best parts

Mercurius best character

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