was this game any fun? looking for some fun pirate action and this seems like the best choice. is it worth $15
Was this game any fun? looking for some fun pirate action and this seems like the best choice. is it worth $15
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It’s a very good pirate game and it actually has a good story believe it or not
Yeah, it still has the barebones stealth from the older games and the graphics aint nothing to write home about but the boat stuff is really fun.
After you've beat the 20 hour hand-holdy escort, eavesdrop, tail cycle tutorial you'll get to enjoy playing the pirate game you wanted for 15 minutes until that gets old and you drop the game.
I've never played an Assassin's Creed game for more than an hour, I completely loathe the framing device. Why do we need that sci-fi woowoo shit with magical DNA trash when I could just play as a character in history?
I really enjoyed the boat mechanics
this one was comfy af
You're a retard if you didn't pick up IV and Unity when ubishit was giving them away FOR FREE. It was plastered all over Yas Forums when it happened.
fuck off you mooch
I tried it and I hated it because it never lets you forget that you're in a shitty VR simulation.
We got a live one here.
what the fuck was up with those shitty glitch things that happened to npc's
Instead of the vikangs garbage ubishit should have just made a pirate game and removed every single trace of asscreed bullshit from it, no more animus, no more shit tier modern day story nobody cares about, no more trailing missions or any of the boring shit, just keep the fun bits, be a pirate, raid boats and towns, maybe introduce a shitty base in a hidden cove that you can spend your money on to upgrade, things like that
Its not very good unless you like assassins creed games. Fun parts include jumping of a mast, fighting legendary ships. The engine is pretty good but the bad things drag it down.
Unfortunately its a ubisoft game so everything is retard proof, including the gameplay. Map and ship battles are like MMORPG mobs, they are leveled and have health pools based on level rather than what type of ship they are, so its feels really crappy gameworld wise. Character/Ship upgrades dont do much other feed into the MMORPG style of "NUMBERS GO BIGGER" so it all feels like you're being tugged along the repetitive content just to get the numbers bigger, because the content isn't very fun by itself. The story is perfectly fine, it has bootleg pirates of the caribean cast, and some nonsense about templars or whatever.
All in all, good for 20 hours, but there content is just not challenging or engaging, appart the 3 legendary ships you fight, that shouldve set the base for the game, instead if became a silent cry t from black flag gamedesigners saying that they wanted to make the game good, but were told make it dumber.
What a waste.
if there's one thing dunkey is right about it's black flag
>fun pirate action
plat pirates of Caribbean from 15 years ago. This is just same shit as every AC game
tried 3 times and couldn't get past sequence 4 out of boredom
and i consider AC2 one of my favorites so theres that
very good game if you dont bother with the collect quests. One of them is worth it for bulletproof armor, rest of them are scams
>was this game any fun? looking for some fun pirate action and this seems like the best choice. is it worth $15
It was the last good Assassins Creed game.
Play it user.
>shove Dijkstra forcefully
ok, guess I'll do that, I need to get this witch with me and I ain't got time for bullshit. I'll make it up to my bud later
>breaks his fucking leg epic style
oh no
>Radovid becomes king as a result
things turned out better than expected
They needed to shoehorn SJWs in
oh fuck wrong thread, excuse my autism
It's a fantastic game and perfect for the pirate itch.
>After you've beat the 20 hour hand-holdy escort
Black Flag was the first game where they did a good job of stopping this shit. it was only a big problem in the games beforehand.
I'd bunch 3 with the optional ones, while not terribly good it wasn't that bad either
I don't like the Ass Creed series very much.
I friggin LOVE Black Flag
this is 100% accurate
I'd say that top row should be "Optional", and everything below "avoid".
I remember it. It was pretty fun but I loved the ship fights.
One of the best games ever. Love the music.
Brotherhood was great though???
Man. I remember when AC1 came out I was so damn hyped. Those parkour mechanics were so fresh and everything looked so cinematic but YOU were controlling the guy and it felt amazing. Fast forward to the current shit stained motherfucking year and I see a huge list of assassins creed games and I don't want to touch any single one.
Why did it have to be this way.
Is it because we got older, bored and self entitled or are the games genuinely boring and not fun to play?
I dont even know.
>he didnt spend 20 hours exploring all the available zones, collecting treasures, and upgrading the jackdaw the moment it was unlocked
I thought the setting and map were boring af. Renaissance/ruined Rome was dull to play in. The team of assassins and economy were dope though.
I find myself always collecting the shit cluttering the map for the sake of autism or rewards. I've come to hate the franchise a fair bit due to how egregious the collectathon bullshit is unfortunately.