Ratchet Thread

ITT: RatCHADS discuss Insomniac's magnum opus. This thread will also hit bump limit, because that's how RatCHADS roll.

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Gonna plug in my PS3 soon so I can plat ACiT again, and finally play Into the Nexus. I haven't played it even though I picked it up a long time ago.


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What's with all the Ratchet threads lately? I'm not complaining, it just seems odd.

>Completed: 2, 3, SM, SAC, ToD, Q4B
>In progress: Crack in Time
>Not started yet: 1, Deadlocked, Nexus, FFA, A4O

Ignore them.

The discussion is pretty good here. Not too much furfagging, and most people actually have some decent anecdotes from the franchise. It's nice here.

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How are you enjoying ACiT? Does it hold after 11 years later?

I think it's just because Ratchet threads are comfy without being safe spaces. There's no rivalry between fanbases that can derail a thread (like earthbound vs undertale). Likewise, Ratchet fans are so unanimous in agreement that the series lost its soul that shitposters can't start fights about whether the remake is better than the original or not. As far as actual points of contention (GC vs UYA), it's nothing serious enough to devolve a thread into shit flinging, even if several anons have their panties in a knot.

Ratchet threads are unsinkable. It helps that the games have lots of things that are underdiscussed. There's shit like
>what the hell are the gadgebots
>gadgetron vs megacorp
>what's with the mothership from GC
>what species is Qwark
>discussing literally any of the dozens of one off robots and creatures from the various planets
>why is Insomniac so wasteful with their assets

I'm liking it a lot.
I know, but I'm tempted to play them anyway for the plats. How bad is the HD original trilogy?

I wouldn't even play them for platting, they're just not fun, even with multiple people involved.
HD trilogy has some graphical issues and, I think, some issues regarding projectiles on certain planes. Otherwise, it's pretty fine to play. Probably wouldn't play on the Vita if you can help it though, I did, and it was...manageable. Just annoying to strafe due to R2 and L2 being on the backtouchpad.

>How bad is the HD original trilogy?
There's some clipping issues with cutscene models and ratchet's helmets don't fit correctly.

Would love to see a Ratchet game in a more hand drawn style like this. Even a cartoon would be cool.

Reminder that Insomniac took Rainmakers assets and watched them sink in the water. Thank Rainmaker for how good the remake looks. RIP

What should they call the next game?

Does Ratchet receive any royalties from all the merch that's been produced over the years?

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Here's a question: Is the Plumber god?

>all this cool Ratchet merchandise existed in the games
>none of it got actually made until my childhood was over
Those sons of bitches. I had to sculpt my own Ratchet and Clank toys out of clay, and they looked like shit

>gadgetron vs megacorp
I want to see a game where both are competing for control over a galaxy's market and you can buy weapons from both, each planet only has one or the other on it, if you buy ammo for their competitor's weapons you get charged way more for it.

There are non-Gadgetron/Megacorp weapons too that can have the ammo bought at normal price from both vendors.

The Gadgetron PDA still only offers Gadgetron ammo, but you can pay for someone to hack it to also sell Megacorp ammo at normal price(plus the shipping cost).

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Interdenominational being that takes the form of an alien from Ratchet's universe, Ratchet probably isn't the only one he interacts with.

I would be already happy if we got rid of grummelnet and it's ugly weapons

Unironically yes considering he'd also be a posterboy for Megacorp/Gadgetron weaponry.

>one Grummelnet weapon in the game
>it's ugly as shit
>it's a great weapon
>the ammo is immensely expensive from both vendors

Better late than never I guess. I'm still incredibly mixed on what we got.

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Ratchet and Clank: Choke Me Daddy

The Groovitron will never die

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>I want to see a game where both are competing for control over a galaxy's marke
I want to see this for two reasons. The hella aggressive in universe marketing strategies that would be used and the fact it would most likely lead to Ratchet being able to buy two broken asf super weapons.

Not Ratchet and Clank, give it a new protagonist in a galaxy between Bogan and Solana.

And finally, a pen. So many ideas for the Omniwrench irl yet yet they settled on a pen. Great.

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ps2 ratchet and clank series perfectly epitomizes video games. they're just plain fun to play and don't take themselves too seriously

the ps3 entries don't quite measure up, but i will say that the clank puzzles in acit might be the most enjoyable puzzle sections i've played in a video game. into the nexus is also pretty overlooked imo

>two broken asf super weapons
Going Commando did that, but the Zodiac only had 4 shots and was way too expensive to refill.

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Favorite NPC? For me it's the Hypnotist.

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Whats with all the ratchet threads lately? Has there been an announcement or a leak or something?
Not that i'm complaining mind

Gentlemen. How do you quantify SOUL?

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I know that Ratchet and Clank trended on Twitter like a month ago because it was the PS2's anniversary or something and Sony asked what games people enjoyed.

For me, it's easily the Mystic from GC.
>very spiritual about everything, asks for crystals to help out Ratchet
>still offers you cash for more crystals after that

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>open world space map like in ACiT
>gadgetron and megacorp locked in an arms race for profits
>gadgetron giving out quality weapons and affordable but high prices with a gold upgrade doubling the killing power
>megacorp with it's equally quality weapons at affordable prices, but easier and faster to upgrade with the four level tiering bit.
>grummelnet as a third party for cheap, low-power weapons with excessive upgrade capabilities through both built-in mods and LV10 caps.
>Dreadzone scavengers selling DZ weapons for big bucks, with the trademark LV99 level cap and swappable mod bits.
>a completely independent weapons tekkie building high-power weapons for cheap, in exchange for bringing him the materials to do so, getting the best of all the other company specialties.

Honestly the Zodiac should have had more ammo and maybe cost the same as the RYNO II.

The only vendor in the galaxy whose weapons and gadgets have permanent six-axis mods. Odd.

galactic rangers

New comic when?

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