The Chad Abby actually lifts unlike you losers!!!!

The Chad Abby actually lifts unlike you losers!!!!

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Why does the graphics look than than the first one?

>mfw my fucking gym is still closed

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how the fuck do they have working gyms after the apocalypse¡?

>Why does the graphics
Why are ESLs attracted to 4channel instead of using their countries own websites? Support your brothers.

Society has come back together almost in this game. They've had 25 years to rebuild. Joel's settlement is pretty big

So what's the point of this story then? Beyond going for the lowest hanging "feels" fruit?

true, it looks blurry and choppy, as if it was streamed and leaked or some shit

>It contradicts the whole plot then. If there is a functional society (even a barbaric one) there is no place for revenge stories. Local militia simply would have killed or at least arrested both Abbie and Ellie.

mirin' those gains ngl

to be 100% fair its PS4-recorded unfinished game. obviously the bitrate and quality will be lower

>There are no stories to tell unless it's muh ZAMBIES

not gonna lie i'm mirin

>How did they throw together a gym like 30 years after the apocalypse??

You're the reason Fallout games are still rubble and wasteland.

Why even fucking have the apocalypse at all then, if your story's just "and then everything went back to normal"?

shut up monolingual retard, im superior than you, go learn a language, ape

>Okay, so we're doing a sequel for out post-apocalypse totally-not-zombies game, what should we do?
>Idk, remove the zombies and make it take place in a rebuilt society?

whats wrong with having small pockets of old world normalcy in an apocalyptic world?

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thats not how development works

its actually "half of the things went back to normal" obviously.

I mean clearly there isnt gonna be a fucking nasa program or cable companies running around setting up DISH and clearly most areas are still gonna be off limits.

>mfw homegym master race

Just finished benching 2plaet

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Because in this case it just feels overly convenient to have an advanced working gym like that. They had already decided to make the one chick look like a male bodybuilder, they just had to find some way to justify it. Do they have roids and protein powder available too? Because if not then there's no way she's gonna have that kind of muscle.

Downgrade the game

I'm literally lifting right now. Issue is that I don't have a squat rack at home so I can't practise my 3pl8. Also, where would Abby get the protein to fill her physique in the apocalypse ? Also, isn't the last of Us supposed to have people infected by some fungus or whatever ? I haven't seen a single fungus monster from anything I've seen of 2.

Well she is a "CHAD", Yas Forums isn't denying that. Where have you been the last couple of weeks?

wait didnt the world like end? How is there a fully functional gym? How do tranniest get their HRT pills? Are there pharmaceuticals prioritizing THAT over shit like basic medicines? None of this shit makes sense


enter CHADbby

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babby legs :3

The problem is not the gym,is where the fuck is she finding enough roids to use periodically and get enough calories to sustain that body

>She lifts
>Doesn't get augmented into chadhood
Now step aside while we go purge some undesirables out of the canals

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She has had a sheltered life probably living with the fireflies. If she dedicated her entire life to lifting in a sheltered place i can see her being that big natty

why the hell is she constantly fighting with ellie?

The entire second half of the game, you play as the ogre and Ellie is the villain.

domestic abuse simulator.
buy it or you hate women.

She's the villain Ellie wants her dead

>The Chad Abby actually lifts unlike you losers!!!!
Abby is supposed to be surviving from zombies and sleeping in semi dilapidated houses. not in some super equipped and safe bunker.

The better question is that why post-apocalyptic people would have gender obsession to go trans when the world is already collapsed?

>post apocalypse setting where society has completely collapsed
>theres a fully stocked gym with electricity

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>stabs her in the leg instead of in the ribcage or abdomen to damage major organs

If you're so interested in the setting just play the first game lmao, why ask stupid questions?