Great, yet another white male power fantasy...

Great, yet another white male power fantasy. Ubisoft has officially picked a side and they chose to stand with the alt-right nazis that praise these ideals.

Unless they backtrack HARD I refuse to spend my money on this propaganda. A black female lead would be a step in the right direction but we all know Ubisoft cares more about its Agenda than it does about actual history (look it up retards).

For shame Ubisoft, for shame.

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shut the fuck up you dumb nigger

Cycle continues. New game new garbage bates

try harder, faggot

Really weak troll post since the main character can be female.

The cast being all-white isn't relevant when you consider the real scandal that is portraying the norse pagans in a positive light as if they were egalitarian and peaceful and showing Alfred as the wicked christian king that mistreats them. They keep the pagan vikings as all white so that you focus on the real agenda, which is anti-christian

Oh great, I make actual discussions and stuff and the mods remove them, say it's off topic, say it incited flame war, etc.

But this dude makes his trolling shitty bait and nothing happens. FUCK JANNIES.

Oh can they? I haven't actually looked into the game at all
I used to be like you, I used to care and try to make good threads

Those days are over, just give up. If you want a real thread make one with tits and flip a coin.

Pic related was one of the best threads in a while. There was another TLoU thread where everyone was making tranny lyrics for MGR songs, shit was great.
Small niche games with a following can be pretty comfy, like Lobotomy Corporation.

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>It’s highly problematic letting young men roam that toxic Viking culture

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it looks more interesting than odyssey or whatever the Egyptian one was called but i'm so fucking sick of AC at this point that i can't make myself care about it

Ubisoft making the Vikings the good guys has finally proven to me that Scandis really are snowniggers and Paganism is gay as fuck.

Aye but there's the rub, small niche game threads have way more trouble getting off the ground. I'd love to talk about Chibi-Robo but that thread would die in a milisecond
Not as gay as Christianity. Thanks for changing facts about your religion to keep others happy cuck.

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Just take your shitty lazy bait somewhere else fucks sake.

lol you all realize that op was being sarcastic right?
this is how you all sound like in tlou2 threads

If Woke Progressive Neoliberalism can promote it as good, then it is evil. Paganism is very easily commodified as a trendy thing to the secular leftist degenerate worldview, so it is promoted by neoliberals.
You will never see Christianity promoted in a positive light by these people, because Christianity is the moral truth opposed to their lies.

like reddit?
so this is Yas Forums

Awe man I spent like a whole minute coming up with that
Don't you have a kid to diddle? Get your holier than thou bullshit outta here. Christianity is just as retarded as any other religion. At least pagans are worshipping real things like nature and wildlife.


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there he is. The paid off shill that screencaped post mentioned. Like a clockwork. Fuck you and i hope your mother dies

>kid to diddle
Lmao he was right even (you) fell for the meme, a cnn anti-pedo researcher found that pedos are hidden everywhere, I dont know his name but at the end the pedophilia overpowered him.
And it seems that you know only meme stuff about pagans

What even is the point in Yas Forums anymore? It has become nothing but endless Yas Forums posting. It isn't about video games anymore. Yas Forums is now just an endless cycle of an endless cycle of the same shit posted over aga, just under different games.

This is just Yas Forums in general. I think it's because infinity chan got closed and all the filth just invaded.
The single thing that actually annoys me is I know for a fact the vast quantity of people here aren't white.

You're right. They're not even white and most of them aren't christian yet they post Yas Forums shit because it's board culture. This place lost it's purpose a long time ago. It's just Reddit with a different skin, a different kind of audience that wants it's safe space.

This game goes after events of the first game. How arabs assassin's ended up in Scandinavia? Also vikings will be conquered by Vatican.

Isn't it funny how liberals manage to be just as annoying and obnoxious as the alt-right? They're just flip sides of the same coin.

Ah I see, reverse psychology marketing.

This post is proof that Yas Forums has no idea what it wants in games.

> still trying to phrase it as a negative to the right
The right doesn't have the power or is really attempting to take away your games dipshit. The left is the one influencing games to become shit and trying to censor/remove games they don't like. TLoU is the latest shitshow because of the left's agenda.

Based Ubisoft

Go back where you came from fucking tranny.

I'd love to but your mom doesn't have any more room in her trailer since your dad moved back in.