This didn't age well

This didn't age well

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I don't want to play either

bad game either way /shrug

Left is still looks WAY better than right, so no.

>no crunch
the fuck does that mean

how is he wrong?

Which one will people remember and still be playing in 5 years?

>game going for photorealistic art style looks better than game deliberately going for cartoony art style

Based retard

With or without nuts

>putting a ton of hard work in
>rereleasing the same game every 3 years because your audience will buy anything

ellie's face looks crispy while animal man's face looks soft and chewable

Heres a better question: who cares

>Left: No fun
>Right: At least a little fun

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

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its the opposite of soul

im not getting either of those games, but is this guy actually comparing a child's book aesthetic style to photo realism in an apples to apples fashion?

yes it does, animal shitting looks worse then 2007 phone games

nintendo will have made two more animal crossing games by that point.

Here's the updated version

Attached: crunch.png (597x484, 252.4K)

imagine being such an attentionwhore you screencap your own twitter posts and post it on Yas Forums for more browny points, wouldn't it be funny haha

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crunch picture should be joel head

>animal crossing

Nincels everyone

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Same. I don't have any idea

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Man this picture really assblasted nincels huh


The spic is saying forcing devs into 'crunch time' produces a superior product by dishonestly comparing it to a game that is stylistically much different from his crunch example.

OP is saying it hasn't aged well because TLoU 2 is an abysmal game.

Crunch is a chocolate bar brand.

Let's be honest, ACNH does look pretty shit. It's like a playmobil game.

Yas Forums is one thing, but how is the normie population reacting to the leaks?

getting maisie williams to do facial capture was a mistake

gifs of macho man and of clint eastwood saying ma'am. Shit like that. I'm not even kidding

supposedly, the naughty dog devs were put under 'heavy stress' and had to actually do some work to get the game actually finished, known as "crunch time". This was posted around by twitter retards that thought TLoU2's crunch time would be worth it for a better result, whilst implying AC:NH was rushed or something. Little did they know that AC:NH would become a massive hit and TLoU2 leaks would surface to reveal what a shitshow its story is.

extremely divided from what i've seen. some are generally upset and some are defending it, no middle ground.


Attached: abby[].jpg (1569x1347, 1.11M)

the one time this shit meme made me smile

>Spic twitter

Twitter zoomer memes are retarded

both shit games who cares

Twitter's version of the Soul/Soulless meme

no fun/fun
no replay value/replay value
loses value over a month/doesn't lose value

hard work ≠ overworking and underpaying your employees to the point that they don't even care about a lawsuit anymore

what ps1 game is the one on the right?

No crunch

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>Yas Forums doesn't know what crunch time is

Attached: data.jpg (1440x1080, 195.19K)

and yet both get daily threads for two different reasons

really gets the noggin joggin