JRPG thread, anyone? What are you guys playing at the moment? I’m playing Phantasy Star IV right now...

JRPG thread, anyone? What are you guys playing at the moment? I’m playing Phantasy Star IV right now. Just got Demi and the Land Rover and holy shit, it is a lot of fun.

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Based as fuck. I’m replaying TWEWY and Radiant Historia at the moment. Might go for FFX next.

The best JRPG from based Star-Fish SD!

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What’s it like?

I'm currently playing Xenogears and I'm having a goddamn blast. I'm only like fifteen hours in and already it's one of my favorites.


Don’t even fucking start.

Just saw that Steam has quite a few JRPGs on sale:
Is FF XII decent? I played most other 3D Final Fantasy games (except 13 & its spinoffs) and I feel like I hear mixed things about 12. The graphics seem very dated in screenshots and I feel like if it doesn't pull me in with its story & characters, I'm just going to bounce off it.
Quite a few Legend of Heroes (Trails in the Sky, Trails of Cold Steel...) games are also on sale, and I've never played any of them. Are the games actually good or just "good because there are so few modern JRPGs being released"? Are the games all connected and if so, are Trails in Sky, the not officially in English released Crossbell, and Trails of Cold Steel all part of one large story or mostly independent?

bit rude, that

Final Fantasy XII

26 hours in and only just realised how gambits work. How do I stop being a brainlet? ;_;

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Like Wizardry Empire 1 and 2 and the first 3 Elminage games including some unwelcome shit like timed rising water floors which would have been better if they limited me by a step counter since I'm against real time shit in Wizardry clones. It's a bit more spares when it comes to story then Elminage but that's fine since I don't really understand Japanese and just want to step on every tile and disarming and opening trapped treasure chests over and over again!

Almost done with FF7R. I'm really tired of walking down the corridors.

They are different arcs of the same story, some of them even take place at the same time in neighboring countries. Play them in release order. And yes, they are really good.

>Almost done with FF7R
How is it really? Theres too many meme spewing hotheads here so its hard to hear a real take on the game, i only saw some gameplay and it looked pretty fun, im just saying this based only on a few random fights and a boss fight with a giant robo-scorpion

started Eternal Poison after dropping EOV for the second time. Just beat the first boss in Ashley's Tale.

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>They are different arcs of the same story, some of them even take place at the same time in neighboring countries. Play them in release order. And yes, they are really good.
Looking at wikipedia, does this also apply to "Dragon Slayer" and the "Gagharv trilogy"? Or can I start with the first Trails in the Sky game?

>that OST
Also on Genny, finishing Warriors of the Eternal Sun then on to Shining in the Darkness.

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Finally giving the PC version of The Last Remnant a spin. Surprised how smooth it runs on Linux.

>enemies can fuse mid-battle, becoming more powerful and giving you shitloads of EXP if you defeat them
input all commands at the start of your turn
>turn resolves via speed stat and a little RNG
>combo spells/attacks before Chrono Trigger was a thing
>three kinds of resources: HP, TP, and a flat number of times skills can be used
>can set up macros to speed up specific combat tasks like buffing, healing, or manipulate the turn order to make combos easier
>animations resolve quickly
>items can be used to cast spells
>Land Rover offers a good shake-up of the normal combat
Phantasy Star IV is goddamn amazing.

Does it get good? I remember trying it when it was first released on my modded ps2 but dropping it pretty early since I found it too slow and had other games already started that I was a lot more invested in, like Digital Devil Saga and Shadow Hearts Covenant at the time and never got back to it. Are you playing on original hardware or emulating? Does it work well on PCSX2?

I’m honestly surprised that nobody has copied the macro system yet from the game. Shit was fucking brilliant.

God no, that's one of the worse games they made, the class system is ass and the embarassing amount of engrish alone should already tip you off, the dungeons are also muddy and almost unreadable without a map open.
I admit I kind of like the random avatar thingie though.

It has some interesting ideas, but still pretty disappointing overall. It doesn't expand on the plot in any meaningful way except for one chapter in the very beginning, level design is nonexistent except for the Wall Market, even the Shinra building is basically a corridor, and the gameplay is constantly interrupted by cutscenes, even during boss fights. Combat seems pretty nice, but there are some balancing issues and retarded things about it. It tries to be both an ATB-based game and an action at the same time and fails.

You can start with Sky. There are some theories that Gagharv games are somehow connected to Kiseki, but they are just theories. Iseruhasa games are unrelated.

What are those games like?

>Does it get good?
if you didn't like what you played, then I would say ignore it. I like it but it is an undeniably flawed game.
>hardware or emulating?
emulating, runs flawlessly and doesn't suffer from the lengthy loading times you get by playing it on a PS2.

Have you heard about the ending yet?

What am I in for, Yas Forums?

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WOTES is an RPG based off ADND which features intense mostly whiffing overland turn-based combat and real-time dungeon crawling combat. It's not a JRPG though which is why I'm spoilering.

Shining in the Darkness is an early 90s dungeon crawler by the people who went on to make the Shining Force games.

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It's not that I disliked, I just forgot it existed at all until I saw your post and remembered liking its art.

Playing DotNW on PS3 with jap voices.

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A very easy game with nice music and great narrative pacing in the first half.

A really good game. I prefer FF7 more, though.

would WOTES be worth it if I only find the overland combat appealing and think the dungeon combat look wonky as hell?

Just beat FF7 for the first time. Enjoyed it, but i feel having the story spoiled to hell and back diminished it a little bit. Like it was interesting seeing some of the characterization and the smaller details behind it, but every medium and major plot point is almost so common knowledge now.

Also, I'm kind of unsure of what to play next.

Bought Dragon Quest Builders 2 to pass the time until Terraria update comes out

What games/systems do you have now?

what have you already played? what did you like and why did you like it? I usually play a shorter game as a pallet cleanser between long games so maybe some older snes or nes Final Fantasy?

give it a try then, the game starts with a tutorial battle that explains most mechanics in the game anyway, so it won't waste your time if you end up not liking it.

How do you get into Terraria without a wiki open at all times? Just aimlessly mining and killing mobs for a while doesn't carry the game for me

I really like how JRPG threads are now a daily thing. They’re pretty comfy for the most part.

It is wonky but I find the dungeon combat to be better than the overland overall. It's worth a shot regardless though, especially if you enjoy missing most of your attacks, broken level 1 and 2 spells, and Western Genesis OSTs.