so which one is actually the hardest andt he easiest fromsoftware game?
So which one is actually the hardest andt he easiest fromsoftware game?
sekiro is the hardest(not calling the game hard but it is objectively the hardest), bloodborne is the easiest.
In order of hardest to easiest.
Bloodborne > Sekiro > Dark Souls 3 > Dark Souls 2 > Dark Souls > Demon's Souls
Bloodborne is the hardest, DS2 is the easiest. All of the other games have spikes and dips in difficulty that even them out.
Dark Souls 3 is the easiest and Sekiro is the hardest
I’m torn between which is the hardest (either sekiro or bloodborne) but this is pretty accurate. I think I’d say sekiro is a bit tougher because of demon of hatred and father owl. The only hard boss in bloodborne, including chalices is Laurence because of the bullshit hitboxes. Everything else isn’t too bad
>sekiro is the hardest(not calling the game hard but it is objectively the hardest)
tell me which games you thought were harder than Sekiro (no NES Jekyll and hide bugginess, no "game X on insane difficulty level" or indy 2d pixelart autism)
Dark souls
The one you played first
Dark Souls 2
If you played Dark Souls 2 first you aren't interested in this thread because you gave up on the series.
Bloodborne > Sekiro > Dark Souls 2 > Dark Souls > Demon's Souls >> Dark Souls 3
Sekiro is the hardest no doubt, you can cheese bosses there, but you can cheese bosses on bloodborne and dark souls and make them even easier than sekiro.
Also sekiro sound design and change between slashes and parry feels better.
Sekiro before you get the hang of the combat
Sekiro after you get the hang of the combat
Sekiro is the most difficult while also being the most tedious and least fun, but most rewarding.
Sekiro is objectively and unquestionably the most difficult due to having little to no methods of bypassing the challenge.
No level grinding, no sequence breaking to higher upgrade materials, no summons, very few notably impactful cheese strats, no infinite ranged damage, no build diversity.
Everyone's opinion of all the Soulsborne games is going to be different every time because even just what build someone is running and what order they do things in can result in a wildly different experience of the game.
Someone who always does a heavy armor giant weapon strength build likely would have steamrolled DaS1 but easily could have gotten completely fucked in DaS3 before patches.
DS1, DS3, DeS and BB are all about equally hard for me. But Sekiro was noticeably harder and DS2 noticeably easier.
Maybe I'm just retarded but I didn't find Bloodborne to be that difficult meanwhile it took me a while to figure out how to kill those spear guys in Undead Burg. Haven't played Sekiro
I thought dark souls 2 was the hardest game. I died more on ancient dragon than any other boss in the whole series
See, I find Souls to be the easiest. I can blast through them doing base level runs without much effort, but BB was a bit tougher in that regard. I agree that Sekiro is harder than the others though. Even after getting used to it, it takes more attention than the others for me.
Not sure about difficulty, but in terms of fun it's
Sekiro > BB >>> Souls
Sekiro is the hardest
Demon's Souls is the easiest
Bloodborne is the best
How? It has a really simple pattern, the only difficult part about that fight is the patience it requires because the thing has a shitton of health and it's boring as fuck to fight so you just want to be done with it. Compare that with an actual difficult boss like Sister Friede that has a ridiculous amount of moves and 3 phases you need to learn.
>sister fiede
is actually easy as fuck. you can even stunlock were with strength weapons. Meanwhile after 30 minutes of pecking at ancient dragon I get 1HK'd again for the 20th time before I missed a step after practically falling asleep
>It's easy as fuck
No it's not you were overleveled, retard.
I beat bloodborne and sekiro relatively smoothly but I'm getting filtered by the sewers and getting cursed status effect. Dark Souls feels much harder to me, maybe its just the weapons that I don't like the feeling of, it feels cumbersome compared to how fluidly you move in the other games
I just dont get this meme
I fought him at BL94 on NG+
I played very defensively on the second phase using the entire arena. Maybe most people are far too aggressive but i found him to be only an ok fight difficulty wise.
The hardest is the one you started with
she doesn't have any 1HK attacks, you can literally chug after every mistake and win.
Normal run: BB>Sekiro>DS3>DeS>DS1>DS2
Lvl1 run: DS2>DS3>BB>DeS>DS1
Just do the sewers later. It's a dead end anyways.
imo bloodborne is the hardest.
Sekiro is incredibly easy once you realize your stamina bar is irrelevant
didn't finish Sekiro cause I got filtered by the undead ape
haven't had any problems with Bloodborne
Did you only fight the first phase? in the second and 3rd phase pretty much everything one shots you, again you were probably overleveled as fuck and summoned help, fag.
Ninja Gaiden Black