Was Quake 2 really that bad?

Was Quake 2 really that bad?

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best game ever made
>superior gameplay mechanics
>AAA 3d graphics
>excellent network code
>single player campaing
>free source code

t. never played it

Disregard OP, post favorite quake 2 track

it's the best Quak

Quake 2 was bad? I really liked it when I was a kid. Didn't really think anything of it being more sci-fi than Quake 1.


It's not bad. It's just not a top tier FPS. But it DOES have a top tier soundtrack. I mean top 10 video game soundtracks.
I daresay Quake II is worth playing, if for nothing else, for experiencing that soundtrack playing while you mow down strogg. Have yourself a good fucking time.

It would been a great game if it didn't have Quake name. Despite that it's worth to play. Soundtrack was so good

>hurr Q2 bad
No, that's retarded meme pushed by zoomers who want to look like they are in the know. It was a great game, multiplayer was especially popular (dat Edge). It was mechanically sound, had amazing graphics for it's time, probably one of the best of soundtracks to this day, neat campaign and many other reasons why it is good. It's still well fucking good to play. Like this user said, soundtrack combined with quick gameplay creates some pure berserk moments.

>not Kill Ratio

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it was alright, boring
multiplayer and it's modding scene was amazing though

>had amazing graphics for it's time
>unreal came out 5 months later

Shame that there's won't be a industrial rock like this

unreal was fucking shit. wide open areas with nothing in them. oh boy

Unreal has peak soundtrack too. UT even better. But they are completely different genre. Quake is industrial-heavy-trash metal, while Unreal always had it's trance/dreamy/goa stuff. Both great, but as different as you can get.

It's a thing of beauty.

>multiplayer and it's modding scene was amazing though
I think this has to be the emphasis because playing it immediately after Quake 1 was a huge, slow let-down; same gameplay but feels slower and stiffer in every regard - it's more "realistic" I guess.

posting in an epic bread

There is virtually not a single weak track.

You triggered me user. You triggered me good.
Was gonna post this, faggot beat me to it.

>retarded meme pushed by zoomers
Actually, Quake 2 was met with slight disappointment from critics at the time, viewing it as a stagnant corridor crawler with fancy graphics.
I was shocked to find this out too after the fact, because I had a good time with it.


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*makes annoying alien sounds*

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it's pretty good, it's just not the best of anything in the series
the single player is solid enough where it has been interesting to play through it a bunch of times with all the engine ports of it

the multiplayer is still easily the worst of the numbered games (including 4) though

Quake 2 is alright, but there's some very noticeable fuckups here and there. I appreciate the enemy variety, and the railgun is legendary
>Grenade launcher sucks ass even though the Q1 launcher was great
>none of the weapons have any muzzle flash for some reason
>Hyperblaster has a weird wind down when you let off the trigger, impossible to burst fire with it
>Hand grenades are fucking worthless
>Bosses are all easy

quake 1 was better

>replacing Q1's tracks with this
for those times you're not in the mood to listen to eldritch battle meditation

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Yes it was. The setting was boring, the enemy and weapon designs were uninspired, the level design was meh, combat was weightless, the graphics immediately dated. What little original ideas it had (the way enemies still shoot at you with their dying breath and have elaborate animations doing so, the emphasis on making the mechanical workings of certain weapons visible) were overshadowed by just how dull the game was. Quake II was the game that made everybody sick and tired on 90s shooters, and it was Half-Life that made the mainstream move away from the genre permanently.


The good only thing Q2 ever did was give us Soldier of Fortune.

Yahtzee said it best: "a string of identical grey-brown military bases full of hybrid human-and-forklift monsters.".

Yes Unreal was amazing


Who even said it was bad?

>playing on a harder setting
>getting ambushed by TWO skaarj scouts
shit was way too fun and I need to get it going again, been too long

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slight disappointment =/= game is bad


That Q1 main theme by Reznor was fucking great though.

this one pumps like a beasr

More people play it now more than ever thanks to the RTX meme

notice how you didn't mention anything about graphics, which was my whole point
enjoy your brown turd of game LMAO

I play Quake 2 for the soundtrack

Yeah that was something, I can understand people being a bit bummed the rest wasn't like that.
I certainly wasn't, I fucking love what he did for Q1. I also know they wouldn't stick to anything like it if they did a reboot, it'll just have context sensitive stuff like the newer Dooms.

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Point is the game wasn't celebrated unconditionally. Don't hate me, hate history.

quake 2 is pretty good if you, like, actually play it
had a great time, better than i did with quake 1
better guns and better enemy variety

I like the potential of RTX, but I still don't get why they chose Q2, looses the mood completely. I did remind me to replay it, so it's a good thing.

Jedi knight was the peak of pre-Half Life corridor shooters

I still play on the tastyspleen servers. Fun times.

not at all

I miss rocket arena 2

>quake 2 is pretty good if you, like, actually play it
I'm assuming that's generally what's been done by the people saying they didn't like it

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