Be honest Yas Forums, you only hate her because she could beat you in arm-wrestling. That's all it is about with you men, right? Fragile egos. Pfth, what a joke.
Be honest Yas Forums, you only hate her because she could beat you in arm-wrestling...
I'd eat her ass out like a cheesecake, and that's on God.
This roided tranny would lose to almost all men irl, women can’t compete
Honestly I don't care that she's roid girl at all. I just don't like the idea of playing the person that killed joel and wounded ellie half way through the game
"You killed my dad for trying to kill you" doesn't really shake out as justifiable revenge motivation when the whole world's been kill or be killed for years.
I could beat her in a fistfight.
I hate her because she killed/maimed the two characters that were actually interesting. And that they expect us to sympathize with her
k, Yas Forumsfaggot
>her group literally has a fucking gym
imagine all the food they are wasting for gains
im not getting that game, didnt plan on it, didnt play the first.
still gonna laugh like crazy lol
She make a great sparring partner!
Fucking lmao this game is an actual joke
I don't care if a woman is strong, it's just the fact that Duckman wants to pass this off as a female. This is an insult to all athletic women.
>the pronoun game
Post the webm of her getting a game over and shot in the head by Ellie.
>wants to have a physically strong woman in your story
>base her off of a woman that injects testosterone
Really fucking ironic
Avenging your father who died while trying to protect the potential cure for an apocalyptic plague, against a man who is in the middle of a murderous rampage against all of your people isn't "justifiable revenge" for you? Are you actually autistic?
Men inject steroids as well, so it doesn't matter at this point.
No, I actually like strong females. I just don't like ugly trannies.
Do they also have a steroids dealer?
Place looks pristine where is the apocalypse
Even in IRL as long they look good.
Ludonarrative dissonance doesn't make for good gameplay, user. We didn't play as the Tranny in the first game. Trying to see it from her perspective doesn't work because we know our actions were justified in protecting Ellie. At best, we're aligning our motivations with an ignorant Tranny who fails to realize that protecting Ellie is what a sane person would do. If you want to play the idiot bad guy that badly, just play darkside path on the first KOTOR you fucking loon.
I hate her because she killed my Joel and the game wants to force me to kill my surrogate daughter Ellie
Imagine if the dude who kidnapped Clementine shot Lee, then you were forced to play as him and execute Clementine
Shitposter or shill, which are you?
its just not the game fans wanted lol.
nobody ever asked for a game where some buffed up "broad" beats the shit out of smaller and more feminine women. people dont like that. nobody likes it when some dude competes against women and humiliates them, it actually creates a sense of disgust. no customer ever asked for a power fantasy about being a she-hulk and pounding some little girl's face in, and they will reflect that truth when choosing to buy or not.
Yeah, but you can make a strong male character without having to base it on someone that roids. Having to use a woman that roids is basically an admittance that a natty woman wouldn't be good enough
Are they injecting semen straight into her womb?
fucking THIS.
That is a prime example of a strong female done right.
wait, what the fuck? I thought this game took place in the apocalypse??
No I actually like strong musclur women who dom but not roid trannies pretending to be women.
Imagine how the SJW crowd of today would react to a character like that
This body type does not exist, it is a sexist picture. Delete this.
I don't think you know what ludonarrative dissonance means. If you can justify Joel killing all those people to protect Ellie, you can justify Abby and her people seeking revenge against a guy who'd be seen as a villain from a lot of people's perspectives.
>ripping out a teen's brain is okay because there is a possibility for a cure
in the logs in TLOU it's obvious the fireflies have no fucking idea what they're doing and just winging it