Anyone hope this piece of shit flops so animal crossing/Half life 3 win goty?
But it won't cause shills going shill.
Anyone hope this piece of shit flops so animal crossing/Half life 3 win goty?
But it won't cause shills going shill.
It's not going to "flop".
It's going to be Fallout 4; Beloved on release due to hype but later hated as the start of the end for studio and overall bad game when compared to everything else that came before.
But normies love eating and pre-ordering shit so they will make their money back and then some.
no thanks
let's get the inevitable shitpost out of the way
>shazam sips
>muh daylight
>muh gta
>muh mumble rap
>look at this woman in the dev team
>dios mio la goblina
The retards that buy this are just more proof that most consumers are, in fact, completely manipulated retards. The market isn't logical and follows no rules other than money can literally buy influence and therefore buy customers. There is no discretion, no taste, no real choice, and these fucking retards may as well be slaves for all the "choice" they think they have.
NPC's ruin everything because they have no soul.
theyre shitposting about a gun model now, add it to the list
man i fucking hate 4channelers
>animal crossing/Half life 3 win goty
So this is what the trannies are playing? Pedo Crossing and Onions Life 3?
if you want to complain about muh normies fucking talk about preorders since thats an actual argument instead of just shitting yourself in public like this
>Half life 3
the what?
>piece of shit
>hasn't even come out yet
Its gunna be delayed again because of the virus but they wont admit it yet
>unironically putting shitesda and CDPR on the same level of quality
Anti-CDPR shills are fucking insane.
imagine thinking new horizons is worthy of praise which it's planned method of deliving content is drip feeding features that were already in new leaf
jesus christ get some standards
>b-but muh gardening!!! that's new!!
why wouldnt they admit it ?
they have no reason to keep it to themselves since they have a 10/10 excuse right now
so why ?
for fun ?
Honest non-shitpost opinion?
It would have been great if it released 2-3 years ago. Now it is trapped in the meme of "being the last hallmark game of current console generation, and a startup for the next!" or whatever.
It's trying to bridge a gab that really has no good reason to be bridged, and it is going to suffer for it. This shit has happened before, and it will always lead to compromises in the quality of product.
Also I don't like addition of e-celebs in the game. as I feel it diverts already stretched funds to "big name" that they hope will drive the sales with normies rather than the game itself.
Also I just don't like the idea of turning fictional characters into real actors.
Now for the things I'm not sure about. First, the 2 option story structure they teased us with. This could go either way, it's either going to be fine or it's going to be disappointment. I don't think this is going to either save or ruin the game, but I still feel a bit worried about it. We will see how it turns out.
Coming back to the topic of consoles, as said it has to run on the previous console generations AND appear "cutting edge" for the new one. This seems like trouble. Combined with the... mixed quality footage that they have shown us it seems they are still struggling to find the "sweetspot" for this that they want to settle on.
I fear they will pull FO4 and limit the render distance/ sight lines to absolute shit and cut down on the crowd features they boasted waaaay back.
Another thing, it may be result of the it being early footage, but the layout of the city, especially part after the elevator near the apartment just felt... off. Way too convenient and, for lack of better word, fake. Hopefully they fix it on and this was just some test area cooked up by some junior intern for this presentation in mind only and the real deal is bit more natural.
That and the missions being in their own little closed off zones felt off to me, way too noticeable.
Shortly after it was delayed earlier this year they announced it wouldnt get delayed again, so they likely are holding themselves to that
comparing fallout 4 to any game is a crime
>studio has been on a warpath for casualization with both Skyrim and Fallout 3
>Fallout 4 was nicely-received at release until everyone realized just how devoid of thought-out content the game is
At least CDPR has a far better track record with the Witcher franchise
Pre-ordered the game last year. Will probably enjoy it, if not who gives a shit. It's not like video games define my life like for some of you fucking faggots.
>It's going to be Fallout 4; Beloved on release due to hype but later hated as the start of the end for studio
This the shit that bites me.
Fallout 3 was trash. Oblivion was trash. No one noticed Bethesda is trash until Fallout 4 and 76.
Mass Effect 2 was trash. Mass Effect 3 was trash. Dragon Age 2 was trash. Dragon Age Inquisition was trash. Nobody noticed Bioware is trash until Anthem.
Fuck the CDPR jannies, respreading the leak from yesterday.
The previous italian leak, 26 min long:
Links won't be going down.
I hope it wins GOTY so Yas Forums seethes for another decade. Can't wait.
you could at least pretend putting some effort into this, first upload a mega link that has been conveniently "taken down by X" and THEN start to push your .to links.
ok but they have an excuse now
nobody could predict the shitshow thats happening rn so what they said before hardly counts for shit now
i mean you even expect it to happen, so then why would they lie ?
F4 was only recieved well initially because it took everyone by suprise, nobody expected it to be that shit
the game also tries to hide how trash it is for the first few hours with new mechanics and explosions
bioware was always for the dummies but just like bethesda they got good at pretending making rpgs
also their games existed in a vaccume, now we can compare them to something and say clearly how trash they really are
What is your problem? Why do you talk about it so much if you hate it.
This isn't new. This is from gameplay a year ago and only shows like a minute of new stuff
Don't you mean Andromeda?
>Mass Effect 2 was trash. Mass Effect 3 was trash. Dragon Age 2 was trash. Dragon Age Inquisition was trash.
Multiple GotY bad. I'm not a contrarian at all.
The last good game was Zork on the IBM XT 5160 in 1982.
>based retard wants to reupload every 5 minutes
I hope its good, honestly, I need a good FPSRPG. Last one was fucking New Vegas.
my boy, the only recoverable game on that list is ME2, and thats a stretch
No. Much as that game killed the Mass Effect brand, it was developed out-of-house by "Bioware Montreal", during a time when EA was renaming half their studios """Bioware x"""
No, I want it to be so popular and normie Yas Forums never talks about it.
imagine thinking its cyberpunk shills shilling, and not shills for apocalyptic golf simulator 2020
What difference does that make, absolute fucking idiot? There are a THOUSAND FUCKING EXAMPLES of this exact thing happening. It happens EVERY FUCKING TIME so fucking KILL YOURSELF you absolute
for being another "it's not out yet fag stop crying wahh" dumbass. You're a fucking DUMBASS.
Sure but the game box still simply said "Bioware". You'd have to dig that information from Wikipedia or somewhere to know that a B-studio made it, which is something the average normalfag obviously doesn't do.
wew great
>there are many examples of shit games so this game is shit
>in fact EVERY vidya is shit
thats some logic
Still not technically correct to lay that evil on Bioware's feet, and the outsourcing to Bioware Montreal was all over the gaming media anyway.
Based and int pilled.