The Last of Us 2 is about the futility of revenge

>The Last of Us 2 is about the futility of revenge
>Joel deserved what he had coming to him, because he killed Abby's dad
Do brainlets actually think it's morally wrong to kill someone who was about to kill a child and harvest their brain? Are these the same type of people who think Serial Killers shouldn't get the death penalty?

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you're the brainlet if you think irredeemable criminals should be killed instead of tortured

>He killed a bad guy, so he became just like him
Anime has warned us about this for a long time.

Serious question: why did they have to kill ellie and harvest her whole fucking brain? Why not scrape just a tiny bit of sample and operate on that? When someone has immunity to something we don’t have to kill them to get the antibodies, we take a sample and study it.

>You're a brainlet if you don't do this subhuman shit
No. If someone is an irreparable threat to society, you permanently remove them from it. There is no need for ow the edge tier shit.

it was a rag tag group of "surgeons". They didn't know what they were doing

I don’t know what I’m doing either but I know you don’t have to kill someone just because the antibodies are in the brain.

Only brainlets think the death penalty is a good thing

Joel is a man, therefore he has to die.

All the facking tranny suckers also seem to ignore the fact that they killed more than a few other immune children without making any progress. Druckman just hates Joel just because Amy Hennig didn't write him to be a 90 pound misshapen, balding faggot like him

The argument that it's bad because giving the State that kind of power is sketchy, is a decent one. But I am talking about people who go "nooooo you can't just end another human life, you'll be just like them :((("

I mean there is something to explore there with that idea but its much more nuanced than most stories portray it. Sometimes it does make you as bad as the other person, sometimes you are protecting a child from being lobotomized. This would be an actual adult theme instead of revenge bad

You dont like stronk womyn user? Bad news for you. She already killed your beloved white man.

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It's the morality of evil people who want to avoid accountability. They'll preach forgiveness over justice and label vengeance an unforgivable sin even though the perpetrators that are being retaliated against are guilty of greater evil for worse reasons.

Joel, potentially, set back the cure of the virus.
He killed the surgeon for a selfish motive. And for what? Preserving one life (and a lesbian at that.)

why isn't it?

Puting good of your community at first place is most important. Fuck the world if it means allowing your community to survive

The death penalty is more expensive than lifelong prison. It's also sacrificing innocent lives and giving the state the right to kill people just to satisfy the bloodlust of certain people.

give me more details for each point because I find that very hard to believe

I think they will try to draw a comparison to Abby and Joel's motovations

>Fuck the world if it means allowing your community to survive
If that's your (((morals))) then so be it.
Also a quick reminder that only the people who have been PROVEN to be innocent are listed here. There's probably far more innocent people who got killed by the state.

Only brainless think the death penalty is a bad thing.

that, and smart criminals.


Jews understand this better than most and that's why they're winning.

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don't think about things logically just shell out $60

This is news to me. Didn't know it would be that expensive but thinking about it it makes sense as it is sending someone to death but it is weird that that amount innocents die with the length of trial and investigations going into it.

>The Last of Us: Part Two is about getting what you fucking deserve

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>do brainlets actually think its morally wrong to kill someone who is about to save all of humanity by sacrificing 1 (one) person
the end justifies the means

>it is weird that that amount innocents die with the length of trial and investigations going into it.
It will always happen as long as people like that guy exist.

>person who posts about rightwing politics on Yas Forums is a retard
wow so surprising where are the mods

Just like that surgeon that was going to kill a child got.