So, what happened to team fortress 2?
Can someone give me a short update
So, what happened to team fortress 2?
i legit did not play this game for a decade, i stopped playing even before it went f2p and only launched it a couple of times after, could not find a server list for half an hour and when i found it all the servers were empty or filled with aimbotting snipers
nice meme, last update is from a couple of days ago
I think a lot of people got turned off from the game due to hat overload and questionable weapon changes. The matchmaking update in 2016 prompted a major spike in exodus. The game still seems to be alive somewhat, but I don't play anymore because all my favorite servers are dust. Also, I get into a sour mood when my favorite multiplayer FPS was the same game that popularized lootboxes and microtransactions and all that crap.
the game is doing better than ever, now fuck off
>nerfed all the fun weapons
>added new weapons and interesting combos
>nerfed them too
>MvM got introduced, a co-op gamemode where you destroy a bunch of bots, basically tower defence but with 5 other people
>hats got out of hand
>dude. unusual taunts.
>the economy favored whoever had the most amount of trading bots
>valve introduced evenn more new game modes, one of which had a grappling hook you could fire to fly across the map
>all those new game modes are dead
>matchmaking update introduced official 6v6 ranked mode and overhauled the casual matchmaking system with a very cancerous one that killed community servers
>unusual crash happened, unusuals had a 100% unboxing chance from a couple of specific crates which caused the biggest shitstorm of all time among "traders"
>every redditor in existence was hoping the glitched unusuals would get deleted, but valve said fuck it and just made them untradable
>aimbot infestation
that's about it, I think
>went F2P
>turned into cancer hatfaggotry central
>successive shitty cosmetic updates
>servers turn into quagmires of furry circlejerks and aimbotting shitters, rather than just getting into a fun, relaxing game with a single button
>valverobots defend it to the end of the earth, much like dota2 making it even more cancerous.
Its literally not even the product of the past decade but the decade before it. Its heyday was more than ten years ago. Just let it die.
Pyro vs Heavy update where the Pyro got barely reworked and those reworks got reverted. Also the Bots that crash servers
> uber update
> brought some controversial content, the best meet the team, and free to play
> this caused less issues than you'd think initially but led to some jewery over time
> mann vs. machine
> actual co-op PvE, rather fun for the time
> fell to the wayside after a couple major updates
> various updates that eclipse uber in quantity of content but aren't even on the level of War as far as quality
> valve removes valve servers and quickplay in favor of matchmaking, which you can't join midgame
Ignore people who pretend the hats killed it, the hats are a symptom of the problem that killed it.
>Heavies bow to Medic
>In contact with devs
>Possess psychic-like abilities
>Control dustbowl with an iron but fair fist
>Own intelligence & control points globally
>Direct descendants of the classic TF bloodline
>Will bankroll the first maps on TF3 (Medicgrad will be be the first map)
>Own 99% of box facilities on TF2
>First designer hats will in all likelihood be Medic hats
>Medic said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on TF2 has only existed deep in Australian Outback & Area 51
>Ancient TF1 scriptures tell of a medic who will descend upon TF2 and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented skill with him
>They own hat labs around the world
>You likely have medic hat on you right now
>The Medic is in regular communication with the developers Robin and Gabe, forwarding the word of devs to the gaming community. >Who do you think set up the meeting between Yas Forums & the Gabe Newell? (First meeting between the two groups ever) and arranged Yas Forums's first trip to Valve HQ in history
>They learned fluent Brazilian in under a week
>Community servers entrust their map rotations with the Medic. There's no gold in tf_knox, only tf_Medic
>The Medic is about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
>In reality, he is a timeless being existing in all points of time and space from the orange box launch to the end of the game. We don't know his ultimate plans yet. We hope he's a benevolent being.
>start TF2 a couple years ago after not playing for a while
>ashly burch starts talking to me at the start of rounds to tell me to get achievements or something
>can't be disabled, have to get a mod to remove her voice
When a fps goes f2p, you are telling every cheater than it is open season.
Too many different weapons and cosmetics and playstyles made the game an absolute cluster fuck. It's largely impossible to know how to act/react in a situation because your opponents can change their weapons so easily within the same class to effectively become a completely different character all-the-while looking pretty much exactly the same as before.
Heavy update was the last time the game was good
How about you actually play it?
>He stopped playing before Meet the Pyro was released on YT and around the time f2pfags invaded the game.
muh negro
>zhey have zentry nezt? Pop eet
It's still going strong, try it out.
The only times unlocks actually change a class entirely are the Huntsman, Demo shields, and Dead Ringer. Everything else is (mostly) fine
>Can someone give me a short update
Removed idling.
there's only like 6 people working on the game
Scout became a bullet sponge and can incapacitate people from across the map
it's still shit so they abandonned it
I still find it hilarious how Heavy lost and still got the best weapon out of all of them.
They can't stun at will anymore, at the cost of them crying about some compfag boogeyman even though it was the most obnoxious weapon in the game.
almost every unlock got nerfed into uselessness, including the sandman you speak of.
Dude they changed the localization files bet you feel silly.
I'm fine with Sandman not stunning anymore but they shouldn't have also removed the cleaver combo
TF2 is on a precarious edge. With rampant script kiddies and hackers selling bot programs to said kiddies since 2016; Valve servers are plagued with rampant aimbots, lag bots, you name it.
Then, July of last year, there was a "Crate Depression", where people got 100% Unusual unbox from certain old crates. People who had a bunch of those crates made hundreds, as did people selling unusuals on the TF market and trading in game before Valve shut everything down, and eventually gave people one Unusual to keep as normal, and the rest untradeable; No matter what, the trading community and traders in general were pissed about the whole ordeal. On a fun note, the ones who willingly stayed out of it, legit expected to get a Halo for it. That was a good laugh.
And now recently, some Drama from a friend of Tyler of VNN released last week source codes for CSGO and TF2. There was a good giant scare about someone getting the code and using it to put Malware into TF2 and burning the whole game down for everyone, but I think it ended up as someone talking bullshit and Valve fixed it to make sure it didn't happen (I think I'm not sure, please correct me).
After that recent drama, alot of people in TF2, myself included are kinda bleeding out of the game, as I'm tired of going on only to see Casual servers filled with script kiddies, the same dull forum driven community servers of either 24/7 something or meme servers, and Valve on top of all of this simply waiting for this game to die now that Half Life is back.
I WILL SAY THIS RIGHT NOW. TF2 will really burn to the ground, the moment the Backpack buyers leave. Once those people are gone, THEN you will see TF2 and it's Trading economy die hard.
What even are localization files?
Man I only stopped playing because i don't have a computer it's super sad to hear all of this since TF2 is my favorite game of all time.
Also after HLA what do you think Valve will do? My guess is another L4D game, maybe HL3 maybe in the far future we might who know get another Team Fortress game. Like Think about it. TF2 is old yes but if the made another one lots of people would come back and give Valve more money. It wouldnt make sense to just Kill TF2 and not make on in the future. There's still lots of potential.
Text in any of the languages.
The best I can hope for at this point is that someone uses the leaked code to make a community remix mod which continues where Valve left off, but if such a mod isn't taken down, then it will most likely have competition from other mods and thus the playerbase for each mod will be nonexistent.