All I want is to close my eyes and enjoy a good Lobotomy Corporation thread, just once.
All I want is to close my eyes and enjoy a good Lobotomy Corporation thread, just once
This place will never be safe, you know.
If you feel a sharp pain in the stomach or a tickling sensation in the neck, the only available action will be to look up at the blue sky one last time.
holy shit someone from v corp is not sleeping
> Look at the date
> Thursday
Manager, your prudence...
My employees keep dying how do i manage?
>decided to start a fresh new game BUT with all agents with slave agent mod
replaying suppressions is pure kino
you leave your manager post and work with abnos yourself
is that a bait or a serious question
that should be temperance
If anyone wants to help fix the Yas Forumscorp timeline here's day 47 and save the real Yumyum here.
Instinct work on Laetitia!!
Help me Managers, i cant get past day 43. It has always been 30min sessions with one fuck up at the last second that just wrecks my whole team. Im loosing my mind over this
post agent and abno list
Drawing more shit,
elijah lost her clipboard
>completely override the boss because I have Silent Orchestra
everyone shits on him for breaking out a lot and stealing energy, but he's a good lad
>completely override the boss
how's orchestra involved in this
Silent Orchestra's gift completely absorbs white damage (i.e it heals the agent upon hitting them). No regen is no problem when you can just use that guy to work on White damage ALEPHs (of which there are several) while your other guys just take care of the Dawn/Noon (it shouldn't be able to get to dusk by the time you fight him).
where's the user who said the new translation was getting released yesterday?
Fixed arm.
> LC thread yesterday
Why you lying.
Hello, manager!
Have you ever clawed and scraped at the floor, writhing in pain?
Pls save Yumyum.
I had a migraine this weekend.
Serious im new as fuck to the game
post your abno list, gonna give a couple of hints
how do your employees die tho
Every abno you work on are like a puzzle, and the puzzle's clues unravel as you research managerial tips for them. You might be doing something to the abno that causes them to insta kill your nuggets.
How many days in are you and how are they dying? Remember to let them go back to the central rooms of their departments to heal up before sending them for back to back work, keep their gear updated, and prioritize unlocking managerial tips. Also, for ordeals and other escaping abnormalities, you should be gathering everyone together to mob kill everything except the clowns for awhile.
Are they dying to just regular work damage?
I hope we can keep this thread alive (will be hard since Yas Forums is melting down again) until friday so comic user can post new wonderlab
i hope too, i want lobcorp thread so bad
>Yas Forums is melting down again
is that because tlou leaks
Hokmah and Angela slapfighting over the camera feed of X's toilet
I would rather it die and just start another on the weekend, which is what we've been doing.
Besides TLoU leaks have been some of the greatest shit in a long time, it's the gift that keeps on giving.
>netzach thread is going to die
very fitting theme
Eh. Screaming about trannies gets old after a while and that seems to be all the threads seem to be about. I had more fun with time jannies.
If lob corp 2 was a thing, how would you feel if they made "rushing to meet the energy quota" more of a thing? I feel like for the majority of the game, you can really take your time reaching the quota without really worrying at all about ordeals.
He said 2 days ago it was releasing tomorrow, so it was supposed to be released yesterday