Unpruned abilities

>unpruned abilities
>fixed absurd numbers with level squish
>has a repeteable solo dungeon system
>fixed crafting no longer being useless, introduced legendary crafting again
>changed classes to have more fun rotations again (enhancement)
What went so right, retail chads?

Attached: 971A3736-5534-4F51-A35C-AD2772CE64F1.png (899x1276, 2.14M)

>repeteable solo dungeon system
Yeah, just what we need in an MMO

They didn’t remove regular raids or dungeons so not sure what your point is

It's another A team expansion. Savor it while you can because there's another WoD/BfA behind it.

yep I'm thinking we're back

Attached: WoWScrnShot_061115_183308.jpg (1920x1080, 411.1K)

Didn't you guys used to complain about the amount of abilities back in the day?

Catering to autists that can't deal with group content is always a red flag for MMOs

No, and even if some did it was obviously better than the milquetoast classes we have today

Or they have added a nice side activity to give you something to do outside of raidlogging

no that was celestalon the tablet gamer

>fixed absurd numbers with level squish
didn't BfA literally do this when it launched to squish the millions of hp you had at the end of legion? why do they need to do another stat squish so soon?

I like game but can never pick a class to main and it’s suffering

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The levels were too high so the numbers went out of control again. I think some exponential thing is hard coded so they needed to do the level squish. They only did a number squish in bfa

>New expansion
>Classes get absolutely nothing new and still rent abilities from expansion to expansion
I sleep

Oh look FF tranny entrered the thread

What a unique thread, a lot of thought clearly went into making it.

Attached: download (4).png (2560x3016, 1.42M)

based shill exposer

>solo dungeon system

Attached: 8f0ef13a84925af78bc550c29895cb75.png (727x616, 469.22K)

This happens with literally every WoW expansion at this point + any blizzard game and sometimes even just patches. It's extremely blatant even if it is ironic.

Attached: download (5).png (2560x6850, 3.15M)

Half of those OP’s are making fun of it. Or do you think a game simply having been discussed before makes it shilled? FF brainlets really are something else

fuckin shills

where's the content?

>shills coming out of the woodwork

Like pottery.

That is because every single major patch is a full gear reset with massive itemlevel jumps to dazzle the shitters and casuals into a fake sense of progression. Instead of visible difference between the actual raiders morons they hand out timegated loot to everyone.

Wait a second, is Torghast only soloable?
If so I'm not resubbing I play a fucking healer, how the fuck how am I supposed to play that shit?
Also its not infinitely repeatable you dumb nigger
Also Legendaries being back is very very VERY bad

1-5 people
yes it is

more like /vg/ leaking

>if you don't support X it means you like Y!
Are you literally 12 or just making sensless bumps? Literally every single fucking post is
>it's gonna be good!
>it's gonna be bad!
No discussion, no meaningful thoughts, nothing at all just pointless posts to push the clearly recognizable icon onto the board. You are tranparent and extremely pathetic.

>*Gurgling rasp*: Grrhh..You haaave the eyesss....of one who hass travelled...Mrrh..much...

Attached: Panda DK2.png (737x793, 400.76K)

What a post thread, a lot of thought clearly went into making it.

Im gonna cum

im pretty sure /vg/ hates blizzard

They don't have a choice. Nobody plays this fucking trash now. Impossible to even get 4 people together for content.


Ok schizo

Valid complaint and you didn't address any of them. Kill yourself as soon as humanly possible.

But you can do it in groups silly billy, and doing it in groups makes the difficult first floors easier to get through.

>Muh big numbers

Biggest brainlet complaint this game has ever faced

>OP doesn't even use the same image
>image hash only means that the image came from the same place most likely the first image in google
I genuinely don't understand why that image is posted.

I mean, they got 80 gigabytes of outdoor world to put content in, I don't understand why they neglect it and keep making these bullshit instance gimmicks that get deleted in 2 years anyway. The outdoor is where the "massive multiplayer" is, why don't they put some fuckin effort into it so people have reasons to go there and play and for pvp to pop off.

You’re just throwing baseless accusations about a game when the reality is that WoW is the most popular mmorpg today and a lot of people play it. Therefor there are threads daily about it on a videogames boarf. The same happens right now with Cyberpunk and before with FF Shadowlands. But no instead schizos like you think blizz has people on the payroll to shill it on a mongolian throat singing forum. Tell me why i should be engaging in an argument like that instead?