what happened to her bros :(
What happened to her bros :(
Other urls found in this thread:
She got knotted
She's trying to get in on that overseas viewer market. Hololive has found a lot of success this way and she's a smart dog to follow it.
Ill bake next
She's going to lose to Glass Joe, is she?
the sad thing is that she did
oh boy look at all those quality threads, must explain why you are here
>can't stream nazi game
>streams a game about punching blacks in retaliation
Korone no!
is this the kind of trash single-digit IQ retards watch?
>5 threads whining about SJWs/trannies in that pic alone
Why does Yas Forums let them live rent free?
I'd much rather have a streamer thread than yet another LOL AAA GAME BAD thread.
Tortanic is all Yas Forums has left...
what happened with Doom? I don't watch Korone. Management told her no?
Last Armageddon.
She already beat DOOM64, it's her most watched stream.
>First two fighters are whiToids
Based Korone beating up waito piggu.
She streamed it two days ago
>Management told her no?
Why it should?
Manager don't tell them anything unless they do unscheduled 24 hours streams, or if the game has literal Hitler as the MC
Go back to one of your tranny threads faggot
nah it went very well from what I saw
Nazi game?
You are peepull! PEEPULL!
Last Armageddon.
Its okay to enjoy anime OOP but that shit is just low-brow celeb chasing with zero artistic merit. Unironically get corona and choke to death, faggot.
Last Armageddon, the RPG she played recently, has some graphic scenes and a bit of nudity at the end. Management said no, due to how super aggressive YouTube's AI has been lately.
She got a stream banned for a girl in a swimsuit. Also YouTube thinks Korone=Corona.
know your place koronefags, your pupperino is racist and loves BWC, she even has an english "teacher"
They are now ever since mods stickied Etika.
Korone virus.
Dumb dog, why not play Metal Slug 3?
seethe cowtitsfag
>has an English teacher
>barely learned anything
I can't believe people keep supporting this lying whore.
Maybe reddit is more your speed stay there
I want Towa to laugh at me for being a quick shot.
She talked to a man.
but for real, why are the Japanese so godawful at English? are they so linguistically different or is their education system just garbage?
Hey is this the Haato waiting room? Who's that ugly dog looking thing?
That HUSSY spoke to a MAN
Ah yes this thread sure is video games.
Because it's not an eglish teacher, is her boyfriend teaching her some words but he probably knows english as much as her
Cute DOOG!
And lied about it to save face, even got management into it.
The only thing he is teaching is her womb.
What the fuck is that jacket even supposed to be? It's got a skirt?
She got a win in apex today!
she says she loves her english audience but won't hesitate in banning them, not even members are safe
Wait who spoke to a MAN? Doggo?
how come i am not seeing images like these in the other dozen of non vydia threads that are 24/7 up on Yas Forums actually
This is the most corporate bullshit out there, even moreso than shit like pewdiepie. How do you thirsty retards fall for this shit?
Marine CHAD reporting in
Look cute, all she does is play video games so it's not like she needs practical clothes.
anime rots your brain
nothing new
It's free
Wait, what's the hate surrounding Towa, I don't understand
Towa, she's from a newer batch.
Didn't this bitch get stamped yesterday by a disgusting pink haired trap with a man voice, how will towa ever recover
I bet you are a mutt who barely speaks broken english. Japs have no reason to learn other languages, what does english give you besides cancer these days
Marine is for taking out for walks on a leash in public.
>won't play video games because he's too retarded
>can't watch normal youtubers because too autistic
>watches chinks pretending to be anime instead
lmaoing at your life
It's a big meme.
Because they're not about eceleb gossiping.
>no sticky on projared getting caught up in nasty business
>no sticky on resetera being exposed as a ring of pedophiles
>no sticky on dsp being in debt for half a mil and potentially getting the case dismissed
>mods sticky a literal tweaker because he played smash
So are pretty much all youtube/twitch streamers. They're ad revenue machines.
A friend told me that these characters are all voiced by men which is why I stopped watching them. I'll stick to just lusting over my anime waifus who I know for sure are all woman.
honestly with the success of brand Twitter accounts and the fact that a lot of v-tubers already have sponsorship it's only a matter of time before company mascot v-tubers become a thing
I for one welcome or new corporate overlords and the parasocial hpercapitalist dytopia
Posting actual best girl, Hologays need no apply.
>ywn live with a lazy stinky Marine who can barely stand up for more than two minutes without nearly dying from exhaustion and just spends the entire day laying on your bed and stuffing her fat ass.
Wtf is that right foot? Does this guy know what feet look like? rofl
She invited some RL friends to play with her for an Apex steam so she didn't have to play with randoms, forgot to mute them, and they were heard on stream. Then panicked and said they were management. Later admitted she lied.
Fucking whore. Talking to men like that!
Your friend is retarded
Lulu transcends boundaries.
A sticky for resetera sounds like a horrible idea
imagine being this fucking oblivious and stupid
Youtube would dump his ass the moment they could if he didn't bring them so much money.
>Nigga stole my bike music starts playing.
Wow this takes me back.
Cant wait to watch her 24 hour stream tomorrow.
Maybe, I'm just sick of the mods and their selective bullshit. The HRT has rotted their brains.
Japs try to learn English or any language within their own culture which is fucking stupidity, to give you an idea pay attention to the way Japanese write the pronunciation of words.
Instead of saying Hololive they say Hororaibu
rushia is such a fake bitch, she said nigga TWICE because she knew it made miko popular but even with that she sounded fake and forced
That's a thing? I don't watch the actual channels since I know like 12 japanese words.
It's over for you, Mikobros.
not watching ego's like ninja or twitch thots "play" video games is autism, damn user you sure believe some fucked up shit. Also no one is posting about chinksects, they do however own most western games these days so you best be on your way to go play some, and don't forget to buy a lootbox or two
explain to me wtf the west has to offer, didn't 12 million mutt kids just watch a shirtless nigger in fortnite? based right, so based, just like playing as trannies, so fucking based
Yet here you are typing in English on a primarily English speaking website, retard.
Only thing good about these shitty V Tubers was Choco's ASMR but that's gone now.
Clip of this? Did she play GTA5 too? Or did English commenters trick her into it?
Video games seems like a such a broad topic to me, how can you even say that anime girls playing vidya somehow isn't vidya?
It's her anniversary stream, she isn't that hard to understand.
Why is she so retarded bros?