
This is a japanese zombie

Attached: Ash_Blossom_&_Joyous_Spring.jpg (343x500, 67.25K)

This is a japanese dragon

Attached: 41k5I2Dq6sL._AC_.jpg (274x400, 28.96K)

>tfw no servant army of dragon maids
>tfw no mansion filled with dragon maids

This is a japanese rock.

Attached: MysticalSand-AP01-EN-SP-UE.png (300x436, 250.09K)

Sand is small rocks

The Japanese name is apparently "Sand Witch" though.

She's a rock-type because her signature ability is petrification, according to the games.

Is the magidocle deck viable ? I stopped YGO in 2015, but i'm bored and i want to come back

Petrify my dick, if you know what I mean.

This is a japanese warrior

Attached: 1568436303303.png (306x450, 240.02K)

>A horrifying witch that can turn anything she desires into stone. The victims crumble away into sand.
also the art's censored in the english one, she had a slightly larger bust and no undershirt in the original

Attached: MysticalSand-TF04-JP-VG.png (544x544, 531.25K)

This is apparently because it's something else only disguised as a burger.
>A being that has assumed the guise of a mouth-watering burger. It wafts a tasty aroma to attract foes, then eats them.

Where did you read that

This is a Japanese Orchestrion

Attached: Orcustrion-SOFU-EN-UR-1E.png (478x695, 754.68K)

Sacred Cards flavor description. A lot of the older games have normal-monster card lore for physical cards that have none, and it's generally pretty consistent across multiple games.

is weird mostly of the yokai are zombies
I think spellcaster, fiend or beast will suit then better

"Zombie" type is supposed to be "Undead" type, it was just translated poorly like a lot of YGO stuff. E.g. Fairy type is actually "Angel."
Also some of the yokai are actually spellcasters and fiends. Ghost Ogre and Snow Rabbit is a Psychic.

thats pretty cool

This is a Japanese Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Gustav Max

Attached: SuperdreadnoughtRailCannonGustavMax-LED4-EN-R-1E.png (475x694, 635.32K)

wrong, that's an american one
The Japanese one doesn't have the retarded green toy barrel

Yeah, maybe sometime try looking up some old fusion monsters. It's interesting stuff.

A new dragonmaid?

This is a Japanese waste of potential

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the crotch mouth gets me every time

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This is pure shit

Attached: 53347303.jpg (421x614, 67.89K)


I summon Tuxedo Pepe Lv1 in attack mode. Your move, Yas Forums.

Attached: Tuxedo Pepe LV1.jpg (419x610, 182.73K)

Attached: 5.jpg (925x1300, 69.88K)

I love the 1st edition shit so much. Blue Eyes was one of the strongest if not the strongest card in the game and if a monster wanted to be stronger it had to go through some shit. It makes the cards themselves have some lore to them.
Of course the meta was Summoned Skull + Equip but still.

This is a cute anime girl.

Attached: 20200430_160807.jpg (3264x2448, 3.2M)

>Of course the meta was Summoned Skull + Equip
I never got why people always put Axe of Despair on Summoned Skull. It has more attack points than anything else in the meta and just screws you over more when they Mirror Force it. It's so much better to save the equip for Gemini Elf or something as an out to THEIR Summoned Skull.

and this is a funny one
I couldn't help myself

Attached: GagagaSister-WSUP-EN-PScR-1E.png (650x946, 1.32M)

these are japanese rabbits

Attached: 1585507477016.jpg (850x1200, 773.28K)