Reminder for Assassins Creed Valhalla fans that when the vikings invaded Britain, Saxon men were disgusted to the point of genocide at how unbelievable fuckable Norsemen were.
Reminder for Assassins Creed Valhalla fans that when the vikings invaded Britain...
So the Saxons were the virgin incels, and the Norsemen were the Chad Progressive Cock?
Checks out.
So English women thought the vikings were hot?
The Vikings now belong to the SJW press. The Nordic countries are all progressive and socialist, and they've accepted black vikings, muslim vikings, and female vikings.
You can play female or male, it's been confirmed.
The Swedes and Denmarks disgust me.
>Thinking people are gonna play the woman in a viking setting
>Thinking Ubisoft will try to pull the female is canon after they saw 80% of players played Alexios
Nope. It's already official. That's an official figurine.
Nope. It's already been confirmed.
Basically, these past 4 years of fighting have changed nothing.
Based Pagans, BTFO the white trash scum.
No, I meant as in they're not gonna pull the female is canon bullshit again.
>All the seething anglos ITT trying to make it about politics to drown out any positive message regarding the culture that rekt them
The fuck's an Anglo?
That didn't exist before 1900 user
The angle o' this dick lmao
>Yas Forums hates thick muscular viking women
you guys are such fags
>women and men are equally formidable in battle
Remind me again of what would happen if you put any MMA fighter to fight against ronda rousey or whatever is the strongest female fighter.
Maybe if you Yas Forumsirgins washed yourselves, and trimmed your hair you wouldn't be so salty about the progressive viking cock.
Pic related literally reads like an incel post.
Why are you literally ignoring half of the quote and then suddenly rambling on about MMA? They're talking about viking mythos.
Shit game. It got pozzed like everything else.
Playing as a woman might be fun.
It's not supposed to be a history book, just a video game.
The answer is "salty".
>Scandinavians were always faggots
What a shocker!
Shield Maidens, bro.
>anglo women are whores
No surprise
>anglo men are violent chimps
No surprise
>danes were 11th century fuccbois who got killed by anglos
It's not that. It's that this game is blatantly anti-christian, and already confirmed black vikings.
>Game about actual historical events like vikings raiding england but lets add also myths like strong independent women who happens to be closely to current-day feminist agenda
Yeah mate look what happened to battlefield v and their idea of "lets mix history with political agenda-fiction".
>The Nordic countries are all progressive and socialist
so you've got two options here, admit that progessive and socialist is good since they have the highest standards of living on the planet
admit you're wrong because they aren't socialist.
But they did pull that, user. Kassandra is canon.
But japan has also the higuest standars of living on the planet and they are conservative and hate welfare state, so what now?
>Ubisoft gives you the choice of your main characters gender
you fackin stoopid, m8 ?
Daily reminder that if you're an Anglo there's a huge chance you have Norse DNA in you
Also daily reminder if you're a Nord your countries are currently a joke and it will take decades to fix what you have brought upon Europe
Japan is more of a welfare state than the US
something that did not exist?
>I hate [thing]
>let me make one thread after another about [thing] I hate
this is your brain on Yas Forums
>anglo women sleep with nords
>"anglos" become cucks
It's in the nordic blood
>Crying like babbies on Yas Forums=fighting.
Did you really spend 4 years infighting with other Yas Forumsincels on this board imagining that your voice was being heard? What the fuck kind of delusion do you live under?
>Ubisoft gives you the choice of your main characters gender
Seriously though, I would like two separate games for each gender.
or course the original bbc chad nigger viking
it all makes sense now
>anglo women raped by nords
the idea that Anglos and Vikings were in communities where interbreeding happened is fucking retarded
Vikings occupied most of England for a century or two, even built their own country called Danelaw
Basically subjugated the Anglos by force until they had enough and mobilized an army big enough to drive them out
Anglos then got conquered by a Norman(viking french mutt) who established themselves as the aristocrats over their Anglo lessers
The US having next to zero welfare doesn't make japan magically close to the nordic system.
Ronda got kicked so fucking hard in the head that she not only lost her belt but also became suicidal and ended up in the WWF.
>not a welfare state
They've got universal healthcare a pension system, and have a 50% income tax.
>The US having next to zero welfare
God I fucking wish
Wasn't the guy canon based on his armor/statue being in a previous game?
Social security and the US military are two of the largest overall welfare systems on earth
and they also work themselves to death so ....
>Yas Forums giving a fuck about the gender of the MC
>When the main gameplay has been garbage for decades now
Congratulations, you let yourself be distracted by SJW retardation and started to ignore bland copypasted open world checklist skinnerboxes
Hope you're happy with yourself
Americans self reported more worked hours on average than the Japanese do. It's a big fat myth used to assuage American mules
>If only you knew how bad things really are
Noooo they're doing it again!
All the pussies stayed at home. The good male genetics came to Britain. That's how we conquered most of the world by the last century.
>self reported
user, the nips have dedicated terms to describe suicide due to overworking or death by overwork.
Mass immigration from Scandinavia to Britain in the 12th century is why the UK built an empire several centuries later? Wow that sure makes a lot of sense
That's nothing new. The UK, US and Australia among others are so crazy for Danish sperm that sperm banks like Cryodan can't keep up with the immense demand. You can make a perfectly good living being a spunk donor there, provided you're of good genetic Danish stock and healthy.
>The US having next to zero welfare
>nigger viking
they can't be serious