does he have the same tastes as us? is he /ourguy/?
Elon Musk changes his PFP to Deus Ex Box Art
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>is a turbo normalfag billionaire who has "meme necromancer, former CEO Dogecoin" on his twitter account using outdated internet jokes to connect to young adults /ourguy/?
ultra based if you ask me
he is an autist bordering on cuck when it comes to women
or maybe he just liked Deus Ex and decided to put in on his account picture while obsessed autists like OP spam it everywhere thinking this is important or something
I dont really know if I'd consider him a normalfag. Hes extremely awkward in interviews and comes off like an autistic robot. I'd buy a Tesla 2bh tho but I'd rather not spend 35000 minimum for one. At that point I'd rather have a nice truck.
He used to be a hardcore no nonsense engineer who happened to be rich as fuck. Now he's an anime and video game gimp. That blunt really hit him.
@bobpaige being based as usual
>born to a rich family
>one of the most successful careers in the world
>has a wife
>has 5 children
>went on dates
>has long-term friendships
>but he can't be a normalfag because he is awkward in interviews
What the fuck is a normalfag, then?
not being a normalfag doesn't mean that you have to be a permavirgin loser
I'd tell you to go back, but it's way too late for that
I think the government made the plague on purpose to get rid of population growth.
Tell me about the vending machines, what's their master plan?
Deus Ex is a shit game
Fight me bitch
Elon is one of your favorite franchises?
never in a million years will that reddit faggot be one of us
He's clearly trying to tell us something here. Remeber the "who do you think owns the media?" tweet
>rich and successful
no you fucking retard
normalfags are brainless wagies
How many layers of delusion are you on?
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
>producers/investors and their terrible decisions aren't prime normalfag behavior
Deus ex being normie tier with big chungus and Keanu Reeves 100 wholesome memes. Elon just amplified it.
Oh yeah yeah
Elon LOEV fps
They can smell their death, and the sound they make rattling their cages will serve as a warning to the rest of them.
Couples locked at home are probably going to be fucking a lot.
musk is a fucking retard so probably lmfao
considering he's advocating for re-opening america he probably think's he's woke or some shit
>who do you think owns the media?
whoever lives rent free on your head
He's a poser I'd gladly KO that pussy anytime
does he understand the irony or is he doing it because haha funny sunglasses man
>brainlet retard that thinks deus ex is a shockingly accurate depiction of a dystopian earth when in facts its made by a bunch of guys making fun of far right wing loonies and their conspiracy theories for the time
>>born to a rich family
>>one of the most successful careers in the world
You see if you were either of those the rest would come easy to you regardless if you are a normalfag or not.
You see normalfag is a state of mind not an achievement.
>You see normalfag is a state of mind not an achievement.
just what is your definition of normalfag
Have you got a single fact to back that up?
And yet it got everything right.
t. Bob Page
You are not immune to propaganda.
He's such an attention whore.
The thing with Deus Ex is that most the dipshits who parrot it have never played it or even know what the story of the game is. They just read a twitter/reddit post about something deep or funny from the game and then act like they know everything about it.
ITT: poorfags seething
"One of us" doesn't mean shit these days when even the FBI shitpost on Yas Forums, but I doubt he does this kind of thing just for popularity. It's too weird that he had a kakegurui shirt and it's too weird how he use a Deus Ex avatar now when even Square Enix completely fucking forgot about Deus Ex.
Might be utterly crazy, but what if.. he just like vidya and anime, for real? Woah
I define Normalfag is just the average person, someone who is neurologically noramal and most of their views are accepted within their society.
elon musk is in fact /ourguy/ in the sense that he’s a moron